⚜Chapter 9⚜

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Anna's POV;

I don't know why but suddenly had a burst of energy. Maybe it was the caffeine, or maybe it was the excitement of our first meet and greet. Whatever it was it over powered me. I wanted to do something, but no one in the room was awake enough to do anything. So I decided to bug Cameron. Our relationship was really good friends. I'm not really sure what I want to happen in between us. I already knew something was going on in between Shawn and Ali. It was obvious. I snuck down the hall and saw Cam talking to Ali. He didn't notice me till I jumped on his back.

"Come on let's work out!!" I yelled not really knowing what I was saying.

"Woah, you came out of nowhere." He laughed his voice no longer husky. He threw is cup past Ali.

"Kobe." I whispered in his ear as it went into the garage.

"I want food." He stated, my eyes lit up when he looked at me. I was starving.

"Sounds amazing." I smiled widely at him, his smile was perfect.

"Bye Ali, on ward!" I said pointing in the direction of the elevator, he placed his hands on my thighs. Damn his hands were cold. I buried by chin into his shoulder.

"Sorry." He said, oh I guess I said that out loud. He quickly removed his hands from my thighs, I frowned. As cold as his hands were it was surprisingly comfortable.

"Its okay, it's not bad." I said cuddling up against his neck. Now I felt sleepily. Ugh.

"You sure?" He asked hesitatingly hovering my hands over her thighs. I nodded against my skin. He slowly wrapped my hands around my legs once again. Once we got to the elevator my head, I leaned over and hit the down button.

"If I'm heavy you can put me down?" I giggled as he readjusted his on his hip.

"You weigh like 2 pounds." He chuckled as he walked into the elevator.

"Whatever." I said messing up his hair.

"We have our meet and greet today don't we?" He asked as i fiddled with his hair.

"I think so." I said distracted.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked curiously trying to look up at me with out moving his head.

"Yo hair." I said and giving up on the braid I had done.

"I don't have any hair ties." I explained making a fake pouty face.

"Aww poor baby." He said squeezing my thighs a bit. I giggled and shoved her face back into my neck. (It's cuter than it sounds).

"Where ya wanna get food?" He asked as we got to the main floor.

"I don't know." I said looking up. People probably thought we were dating but I didn't care.

"Wanna go to this little café I saw down the street?" He suggested, I didn't really wanting fast food. We've all been basically living on greasy food all week.

"Sounds great." I smiled, thank god, if I ate another cheese burger I was gonna bark.

"You don't have you carry me." I giggled as we left the hotel.

"No, it's fine." He said, we received some glares.

"What will your fans think?" I said ending in a whisper. A pair of teen girls walked by.

"I don't care." He said and continued to walk towards the café. Oh Cameron Dallas fan girls please don't rip my throat out. My legs started to cramp up.

"Can you put down please?" I said stretched the e.

"Why?" He said gripping on my thighs tighter. Chills spread through my body. Oh god.

"Because, my legs are sore and we're making a scene." I whispered looking around.

"Alright." He said letting out a big fake sigh. He put me down.

"Yay! Food!" Cam yelled suddenly looking at the little café. We walked into the café, Cam held the door for me.

"Why thank you." I smiled sweetly at him.

"Any time." He said winking at me. My face heated. Ugh. Curse you Dallas.


"Anna!" Kelsey exclaimed as I walked into the room.

"Kelsey!" I said back and giggled.

"How was your date with Cam?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"It wasn't a date." I clarified.

"But it was good." I said looking at the clock in the deer.

"Okay well we gotta get ready, meet and greets start in a hour, so we leave in half an hour."  Mahogany said from the bathroom.

"Oh shit!" I cursed and walked into Ali and is room.

"Oh hey." Ali said turning from her bag.

"Hey." I said searching for a outfit.

"Ah ha!" I said pulling out a pair of acid washed jean shorts, and a slightly oversized knitted sweatshirt. (Top right corner in picture.) All the other girls were already dressed for Magcon. Ali was in a knitted crop top and black leggings. (Top left corner.) I quickly changed and started to fish tail braid my hair. I soon di signed and walked into the living room. Mahogany and Kelsey looked awesome. (Kelsey bottom left, Mahogany bottom right). I felt jealous. What if Cameron liked one of them? What if he doesn't like me? Of course he doesn't.

Cam's POV;

"Come on!" Matt said knocking loudly on the girls door.

"We were waiting for you guys." Kelsey said opening the door. She looked nice. Chris stared at her. They liked each other it was obvious.

"Come on we have a stage to rock!" Anna said walking out of room. She looked beautiful like usual.

"You betcha!" Shawn said and they did there handshake.

"Let's get a move on." Brent said annoyed, we were doing smack cam this morning so he was pissy.

"Your staring." Nash whispered in my ear. I blushed and looked away from Anna. We all made our way to the elevator. As soon as we all packed in there Matt satarted to panic.

"Matt, it's okay." Anna said soothing him. He still looked scared shitless. She wrapped her arms around him and he relaxed a little. I smiled at my myself. She was so perfect.

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