Chapter 1

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"Are you ready to head out yet?" Daniel called from downstairs. "Just give me a minute. I'm putting in my earrings". It was their one year anniversary, and they were going out to dinner to celebrate. He looked down at his watch. It was 7:40, and the reservation was for 8:15. They were going to be late. He was sure of it. "Ready" Emily announced as she reached the end of the stairs. "Great" Daniel replied. Relieved. 'You look beautiful. That dress is lovely' Daniel took her hand, and kissed her cheek. 'I love you' she searched his eyes, looked inside herself, and replied 'I love you too. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life. This past year has been one of the best of my life. And I wanted to thank you for that'. They kissed again and headed out towards the grey sports car that the valet had retrieved, and brought to the front of their building.

They approached the car, got in, and set off towards the restaurant. It was only a fifteen minute drive, but Daniel was still worried that they wouldn't make it. 'Don't be so tense, honey. We have ages. We'll make it with time to spare' Emily reassured him, as she rested her hand on his.

And sure enough, they did. They were seated just as soon as Daniel gave their last name. 'Ah. See? I told you we'd make it' Emily said, smiling at him. 'Yeah, sorry for acting so crazy earlier. I was just worried we wouldn't make the reservation!' he let out a laugh and took her hand from across the table.

Shortly after the first course, everyone in the restaurants attention was drawn to a table in the corner. The man at the table got down on one knee and asked the woman 'Veux-tu m'épouser?' the woman's hands went to her mouth. She began to tear up. She simply whispered 'Oui. Oui!' He put the ring on her finger and she threw herself into his embrace as she got up from her seat and he got up from his knee. Everyone around them began to clap, including Daniel and Emily.

'Remember when you proposed to me?' Emily asked him, smiling. 'Yeah. It was one of the best days of my life, second to our wedding day' he replied, rubbing her ring finger gently.

FLASHBACK; 'You know, most people look at me, and see me for something I'm not. I spent the first part of my life, either disappointing them, or worse, living up to their expectations!' said Daniel, with a laugh, towards the end. 'Youre the first person, I can be my true self around.' 'Lucky me.' Emily replied. 'I know we haven't known eachother for very long, and we've had to deal with some pretty unexpected things, in a short amount of time' as he spoke, thunder roared in the background. 'Sorta like this weather. You think one storms past, and another ones on the horizon. Which is why I'm sure about the way I feel for you. Because as long as I have you-' rain began to pour, and Daniel was handed an umbrella. 'I'm not stopping!' he continued, with a laugh. 'No ones ever made me feel as loved, and as safe and understood as you do. If you'd let me, I'd like to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you've made me.' Emily looks slightly shocked as Daniel handed her the umbrella and got on one knee. She smiled as he reached into his pocket and removes a ring. 'Emily Thorne, will you marry me?' A few heavy breaths escaped Emily's lips as she said 'Yes!' Daniel put the ring on her finger, and she grabbed him around the neck in a tender embrace and they began to kiss passionately.

PRESENT; After 3 courses, and several glasses of wine, the meal was over. Just as in Emily's dream, the phone rang, just as in Emily's dream, it was the police. Just as in Emily's dream, Victoria had killed herself!

As Emily's eyes opened, the black, white and grey blurs transformed into an intrusive spectrum of colour. Emily's eyelids fluttered, and she let out a groan. She wriggled her fingers, and brought her hand to her forehead. 'What happened?' she croaked. Daniel leapt from the seat next to the bed, and took hold of Emily's hand. 'Oh thank God, you're okay!' 'Daniel' her voice more stern now 'what happened to me?' 'We'd just finished our deserts, I had asked for the bill, my phone rang, though it was only a wrong number, and you collapsed!' She had imagined it. She knew she wasn't turning into Victoria. She couldn't be.

Her attention was seized by the doctor that had entered the room. 'Mrs. Grayson, I have some rather troubling news...'

© Sarah Egan 2013 - 2014 This story is subject to copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the author.

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