Chapter 14

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Here it was. Victoria's court date. The winter proceeding her arrest. The snow fell gently onto the steps of the courthouse. It admittedly was a beautiful sight to behold. Emily couldn't bare to think about what had brought her and her husband there. About the circumstances under which they were living. Even though she was scared, Emily thought about what kind of family they'd have been, would they have been happy? Would the truth still have come out? By now, Daniel knew the whole story from beginning to end, or at least, from beginning to the present. Not even Emily herself knew the ending to this tale of deceit, and treachery.

As Daniel and Emily left the courthouse, they were once again mobbed by reporters and cameramen. Victoria had just been sentenced to 75 years in prison. Daniel had a tight grip on Emily's hand, as they marched together, being escorted by guards until they reached the limousine.

Daniel didn't look once at Emily for the entire drive back to the beach house. They had come back to the Hamptons weeks previously for the trial. The two hadn't been on speaking terms since, but had carried on living together, purely out of self preservation.

The car pulled up by the house, and Emily got out, took off her shoes, and looked out to the view that surrounded her abode. Even after years of looking at it, she still found it mesmerising. The way the sun glistened off of the sea during the early evening, and the birds gliding gently in the air, just skimming the top of the water lightly. There was nothing she preferred to that view. With the possible past exception maybe, of her husband.

She tread lightly in the sand leading up to the steps of the house, following Daniel inside without a word. She held her breath as he turned to face her. 'So, would you rather be called Emily, or Amanda?' his face sullen, and Emily realised that he hadn't actually addressed her using her name since their arguement.

She stared blankly at him 'Amanda would've lived her life out as Amanda Clarke, it's only fair I do the same for her. I'm Emily Grayson. That's my name. It has been for over a year, and it will be for the rest of my life.' 'And why is that?' Daniel replied. 'You know why, Daniel. I love you. I always have, and I always will' she came close to him, grazed her hand across his chest, and he leaned in for a long, passionate kiss.

Still locked in a tender embrace, they walked upstairs, undressing as they did so.

Hours later, Daniel lay on the bed, Emily on top of him, one arm under his head and the other around her shoulders, and said 'We're inevitable.' 'What do you mean?' she replied. 'We're destined to be together. We're just meant to be. We fit.' Daniel kissed her on the top of her head, and held her again.

Later on, Emily was sitting at the dinner table, reading a magazine and having something to eat. When, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a flash. She heard a click.

Quickly, she spun around, hair flying. There was a man, she could see him through the window. He had a camera. He looked around, and before Emily could call out for her husband, there was a swarm of them. Reporters.

And there was only one question on anyone's lips. 'Are you Amanda Clarke?' She heard it. Again and again. It taunted her. Mocked her. Rang out like a bell in her mind.

And for once, Emily wasn't the all-knowing person, who always had the answer. For once,

she was speechless.

© Sarah Egan 2013 - 2014 This story is subject to copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the author.

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