Chapter 3

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It had been over three months since that fateful day at the hospital. They hadn't told a soul about it, but that was about to change.

They were headed back to the Hamptons for the summer. Back to where it both began and ended. Back to the roar of both the sea and the crowds at the parties. Back to the crack of the lightning and the guns. Back to the howls of the wind and the downcast. Back to, everything they knew.

A cool breeze welcomed them home as they disembarked the plane. It was as if they had never left. The land where time stood still.

This was it. This was the day Emily had been dreading. She couldn't imagine Victoria warming to the news that her first grandchild would be mothered by her.

As they approached Grayson manor, Charlotte ran out to meet them. 'Danny! Ems! Welcome home!' she jumped into Daniel's arms, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then, she went over to Emily and hugged her too. 'So, what's going on with you two? Any news?' Charlotte asked. 'Actually,' Emily replied, 'that's why we're here' she looked first at the ground, and with a knowing look, her eyes travelled to Daniel's. They took each others hands, and followed Charlotte inside.

Upon arriving inside, they were greeted by the steely eyes and false smile of Victoria, and the smug, toothless grin of Conrad.

'Daniel! Sweetie! How have you been? I have missed you so since you've been away.' And there it was. Pure motherly concern, and a genuine interest in her son's life. Emily wished she had that. Someone to talk to, who wouldn't judge her, someone who'd be there for her, no matter what. 'I've been well.' Daniel replied, not really wanting to engage her.

'Emily... I trust you've been keeping well' Coming from anyone else, it would have been a perfectly friendly, non-threatening gesture. From Victoria, however, not so. 'Yes, I've been doing my best' Emily assured her, with a chuckle. 'Actually, mom' Daniel interjected 'that's what we're here about.' Victoria gave him a questioning look, and Emily dove into her purse, and handed Victoria her sonogram picture. 'Oh. Oh my God' Victoria stuttered. 'This is fantastic!' Conrad said, through a chuckle. Charlotte rushed over to hug them both simultaneously, as she said 'You guys are going to be awesome parents!' through tears.

They all followed Victoria to the dining room, where they sat down and continued the admittedly awkward conversation. 'So, have you two thought about names yet?' asked Charlotte. 'Well' answered Emily, 'we seem to like Joshua, Edward, and Andrew for a boy, or Abigail, Caroline or Isabella for a girl'. 'Those are lovely names' replied Victoria, still uncomfortable with the idea of becoming a grandmother.

They continued on with a meaningless charade of mindless small talk, all through dinner, and well into the evening.

When Emily began to show signs of tiredness, Daniel intervened. 'Well, we'd better be off. Need to get settled back in next door.' He said, as he reached for Emily's hand and helped her up from the couch. 'It's been nice seeing you two, after such a lengthy period' replied Victoria. 'Yes, do call in again' added Conrad. Charlotte got up and hugged them again, as Conrad and Victoria got up to show them to the door.

As soon as they got in the door of the beach house, Emily ripped the tarp off of the couch, and threw herself onto it, and let out a breath of relief. She was home 'Ah! Home again, home again!' Daniel went over to her 'You know how much I love you?' Emily looked down at her wrist, Daniel held it up, and replied 'Infinity times infinity?' Emily laughed and replied, 'That's a long time' they kissed.

The wind began to pick up, sending the curtains into a ballet of wind-fuelled activity. This attracted Daniel's attention, and he rushed over to close the door. The house was peaceful and quiet once more. Daniel held his hand out for Emily, and led her upstairs, to bed.

Emily had always been an early riser. Daniel, on the other hand, not so much. He always stayed in bed for hours after Emily had woken up. This was something Emily had been determined to change ever since they got married. She took the beautiful weather as an excuse. She drew the curtains to shower the room with light. Daniel looked up at her. He wondered how he had gotten to be so lucky. Even dressed in a tank top and pajama shorts, she was beautiful. Her stomach was just beginning to round off and she was stunning as ever.

'Morning, sunshine! You're getting up early this morning, and we're going to the fish market' she said, hopping on him. 'Alright, alright! I'm up! I'm up!' Daniel replied, playfully. 'I'm going to take a shower, if you'd like to get up and join me...' she said, getting up, and heading towards the en suite. 'Nothing' Daniel whispered 'would give me greater pleasure' he followed her into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

© Sarah Egan 2013 - 2014 This story is subject to copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the author.

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