Chapter 12

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'I love you' Daniel's words rang out like church bells in her ears. They haunted her. She couldn't kill his mother. But she needed to. No one could take this away from her. She wanted to see the life drain from Victoria's cold, cruel eyes. She wanted, no, she needed, a vengeance. Something to keep her going. Something to make a horrible loss, feel a little less. This was no longer her choice. This was the universe telling her to finish Victoria off. She heard Nolan's voice and was brought back from her thoughts. 'You ready babe?' She knew. 'I'm ready.'

She ran. She ran up to Grayson Manor, as Nolan sat on the beach disabling the security cameras. She didn't question why or how he had found out about her plans. That wasn't her primary concern as she set foot on the rear deck of the colossal building. A rotating light shone in her face. She winced and put the back of her hand over her face. She couldn't see who or what was shining it, so hid.

She poked her head out and looked around. Nothing. She picked the lock and made her way inside. Treading softly, she stepped across the room, slinking behind the piano, and towards the door, into the kitchen. Victoria was at the fridge getting some water. She heard footsteps, and cowered once again.

Suddenly, the door was broken down, and a strong male voice shouted 'Victoria Grayson. You are charged with the attempted murder of Emily Grayson. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do say may be taken as evidence and used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you by the state of New York...' he continued to read her her rights as she was handcuffed, and led out of the house.

Without making a sound, Emily tiptoed out of the house, and exhaled loudly. She looked around, and decided that she'd better head back to the beach.

The sand always felt good between her toes. She thought about the last time she was on this beach. About Jack. So much had changed since then. Victoria had tried to have her killed. She once again spotted Nolan in the distance and ran to him. 'Victoria.' She panted. 'She was arrested. I couldn't kill her.' Nolan sprung up from his seat 'You're not serious? How did they find out?' 'I guess Daniel's PI handed the information over to the police' her mind snapped to Daniel. She needed to get back. Back home.

She ran again. She didn't stop until she was at the car. Then she drove. She drove and drove for what seemed like lifetimes. She arrived at the airstrip. Her jet was fuelled and ready to fly. She hoped it would be a good while before she was ever in the Hamptons again. She needed to get home. The jet took off and she could relax.

By the time she was home, Daniel was up. He was sitting at the kitchen table. A smell of burned pancakes wafted through the air. Emily loved the way Daniel tried to cook, even though he couldn't.

It reminded her of one of the mornings when she was horribly ill and couldn't get out of bed. Daniel had gotten up two hours early, and baked a cake for her. God knows why, she was sick! He carefully carried it up the stairs, and placed it on a tray on her lap. She looked up from her book to see a cake with the words 'Get well soon honey' written in pink icing on top of it. She kissed him on the cheek, and he cut her a piece, only to find that it was still all runny inside! He was so sweet.

There he sat. At the kitchen table. Glaring at her accusingly. He wondered what could be going on, until her eyes drifted downwards. In front of him was a wooden box. And some pictures of Grayson Global company retreats. And a very incriminating diaries telling Amanda Clarke to forgive. He looked up and greeted her 'Morning hon' Emily gasped and dropped the contents of her hands 'care to explain?'

© Sarah Egan 2013 - 2014 This story is subject to copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the author.

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