Chapter 10

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Daniel's whole world stopped turning. He couldn't handle the information that he had just been presented with. He couldn't believe who was responsible for he and Emily's hospitalization. His mind began to swirl full of ideas and memories. The world came to a standstill and all of the sounds and sights around him suddenly became much clearer, more well defined. He heard the low hum of conversation from outside of the window, he heard the squeal of the boiled kettle, he noticed the beautiful flowers that Emily had placed in a crystal vase which they had received as a wedding present. He watched the light dance over the grooves in the crystal. He breathed in, and smelled the beautiful aroma of the flowers. He saw the awe-inspiring sun, which had risen midway across the sky, and painted the sun with a plethora of pink and red merging into one beautiful painting of light.

He breathed out and answered 'So you're 100% sure about this? Because I can't tell my wife unless you're certain. I don't want to stress her out with any more meaningless conjecture' he ran his fingers through his hair as he spoke. 'Positive' confirmed Fred 'and I've got sources that can corroborate my story' Daniel's brow furrowed and his free hand was held up to it. He defeatedly walked over to the couch, and sat down with a thud. He exhaled loudly and replied 'My mother hired a man to shoot and kill my wife? If your story is true, then why did I end up with a bullet in my kneecap?' He grew more and more irritated and angry. 'Well, it's simple. You tried to save her. You took the bullet that should've killed her. In my book, I'd say you're quite a hero' answered Fred.

Daniel's hand once again went to his furrowed brow. 'Thanks, I guess' he said, hanging up the phone. He put his mouth and nose into his cupped hands, and sighed, as he thought about how he should tell Emily that his mother had tried to kill her. He really didn't want to tell her, he didn't want to bring the memories back to her. He didn't want to see the look of defeat on her face as he told her the news. However, he had to.

He headed upstairs, sat on the bed, and watched as Emily exited the en suite, wrapped in a towel. 'Ugh, how do I start...' he began. A worried look spread across Emily's face, as she sat down next to him. 'My mother, tried to have you killed' Emily just about managed not to mentally implode, his words shook her to the very core. She knew Victoria disliked her, but trying to have her killed? Really? Emily had assumed that once she and Daniel were married, that things between her and Victoria would improve too. Evidently not.

That night. Amidst the darkness, and the confusion she bore in her mind, Emily made one sober and unadulterated decision. She needed to confront Victoria.

Her eyes snapped open, and she swung her legs over the side of the bed. She stared out over the darkness, and with a seemingly clear head, confirmed to herself that she'd take their jet to the Hamptons to confront Victoria. She silently stalked over to her walk-in wardrobe, pulled out a bag, and began to pack it with clothes. She crept back towards the side of the bed, planted a tender kiss on the side of Daniel's head. 'I love you so much, but this is what I need to do.' And with that, she picked up her bag, and headed to the airstrip.

She needed to do this. She needed to kill Victoria Grayson.

© Sarah Egan 2013 - 2014 This story is subject to copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the author.

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