Chapter 8

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Emily's eyes began to flutter, and, for the second time this year, found herself in a hospital bed, breathing with the aid of a machine. Once again, she heard the hospital's many unpleasant sound effects, and was bought back. Back to the pink pinstriped wallpaper, and the beautiful Parisian views. She propped herself up on her elbows and glanced around. Daniel was nowhere to be seen. The last time, he'd been waiting for her to wake up. At her side. As she was after Charlotte died. She looked around again, realising there was no pink pinstriped wallpaper, or beautiful views, or flowers, but a slightly smaller bed, of which there was only one, and a sort of pale yellow wallpaper. Her eyes darted to her abdomen. And she was back to her slimmer self.

A howl could be heard emanating from Emily Grayson's hospital room that day. The day she and her husband were shot after getting off of their plane, and Emily lost their baby. She shouted through sobs 'Daniel! Daniel!' this is all that could be heard through her slurred sobs of anguish. A nurse rushed into her room, and began to attempt to calm her down, telling her that her husband was in another room, and she'd bring him in to her.

Emily, at this point, was stewing in her own emotions. So many thoughts and feelings were whirring around in her mind. She just wanted Daniel. She wanted to see if he was okay. She was overcome with a wave of sadness and dread. She couldn't believe she'd lost the baby. She was dreading going home to an empty apartment, to a nursery of baby furniture that wouldn't be used.

Daniel had been shot in the kneecap. It was so painful that he'd fallen to the ground in agony. He was worried sick about Emily. He'd woken up, and was told that she was unconscious and that she'd lost the baby. He didn't care that he had gotten shot. It wasn't life-threatening. Emily, however, had not gotten off so lightly. He was wheeled into her, and she threw her arms around him 'I lost the baby.' She whispered in a small voice. She seemed to be a shell of his wife. Of her former self. 'I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry' she kept saying it. It broke Daniel's heart. He began to comfort her 'Shh shh shh, it's okay, it's alright. It's not your fault' she began to quieten and he held her. And they cried.

© Sarah Egan 2013 - 2014 This story is subject to copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the author.

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