Chapter 21

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Daniel was running again. But this time, it wasn't on the beach, or in the city. It was in the police station. He held a laptop, as he triumphantly sprinted down the long, well lit corridor to the office of detective sergeant Garcia, and as he did so, shouting 'I found her! I found her!' His footsteps, no longer greeting him, but cheering him on. Each 'boom' was an exclamation, an exaltation. He was the king of the world. It was the best, most magicalfeeling, that made his heart soar and his eyes shine. He would once again be united with his one true love. He cared about nothing but her safe return to his loving arms.

Nolan swaggered behind him, a look of success painted his face. His hands shoved into the pockets of his chinos. He nodded confidently at each bemused officer he passed. He knew they had no idea what on earth was going on, but frankly, he wondered, 'Who cares?' Emily was coming back. Her phone had been turned on, there was a signal to track, and he had done so successfully. No matter what Daniel thought, or what anyone said, he'd always know that it was his hacking and tracking that saved the day in the end, but as he himself once said 'Don't brag after a shag.'

The two burst into the office of detective sergeant Garcia. Daniel slammed the laptop onto the desk, he was out of breath, so was panting as he declared 'I found her. She's safe. Her phone just came online. We need to get to her, NOW.' Garcia responded with a knowing , as if to say 'Well done.'

Nolan arrived, mere seconds after his frantic counterpart, and announced 'You're welcome, Danny boy.'

The key wasn't there. It couldn't be, she needed to unlock the chain from her wrist. Her mind snapped to the bobby pin in her phone case. Quickly, she got it out, but, as she was doing so, her phone fell to the ground, and smashed. She made several stabs at turning it on again, to no avail. At least, she thought, she could free herself.

After she had done so, she made sure Aiden was well and truly out, before stepping upstairs, and looking around for his gun. Once again, something was very wrong. She dropped the contents of her hands in shock 'Oh God...' She whispered to herself, unable to believe her eyes.

The little red dot on the computer screen went out, he began to hit the side of the laptop, not wanting to believe she was slipping from him again. He stared and stared at that screen for God knows how long, but nothing came of it. His stomach sank. It was all he could do not to get sick on the floor right then and there. What was the best feeling, a magical feeling, was now the worst he could have ever imagined.

The dot was gone.

And so was Emily Grayson.

© Sarah Egan 2013 - 2014 This story is subject to copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the author.

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