Chapter 18

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Emily awoke to find that she wasn't in her bed, next to Daniel, but rather in the back of what appeared to be a van. She was bound by the wrists and ankles and was gagged.

She propped herself up on her elbows, and glanced around, there was nothing around her. No clues as to where she was going or how she came to be there. As one might be able to imagine, it was rather frustrating, the uncertainty of it all. She heard a screeching noise as the van ground to a halt. Footsteps could be heard pacing around the side of the van, as if her captor were deciding what to do next. The doors swung open and she was assaulted by the light beaming in on her. She could just barely make out the face of Aiden Mathis. He removed the gag and stepped back.

'What is this?! Again?!' she screeched. 'Get out' he replied, emotionless, expressionless. She was untied and got out, rubbing her wrists. She looked around, and asked 'Where are we?!' 'We're at an airstrip. Get on the jet' his voice matched his reply; firm. He was clearly still upset. He didn't take well to being the jilted ex lover with a penchant for murder. He wanted to be the one Emily pined for, the one she woke up to each morning, and the last face she saw each night. He wanted a life with her. He wanted all of her, every day.

Sadly though, for Aiden, his far-fetched dream would never come to fruition. All Emily wanted was Daniel. He was all that would do. Nothing else would calm the raging inferno of their separation.

Emily was shoved onto the jet. She stumbled and took a seat next to the window, looking out of it solemnly. It suddenly dawned on her that her mobile phone had been in the pocket of the fleecy jumper she'd fallen asleep in. She attempted to inconspicuously check her pocket, but, alas, it was empty.

Aiden, looking over at this, held up a black iPhone and asked 'Missing this? You didn't really think I'd leave it with you?' he teased. Emily refocused her energies on escaping. She needed to contact Daniel. She had to get out, and away from this madman.

She looked around, and thought about how Aiden may have ever afforded his own jet. She suddenly realised that it was the Grayson's jet!

Daniel woke up on the couch. He recalled seeing Emily asleep, and not wanting to bother her. After all, they both needed some time to cool off, and forgive.

Emily was the first thing he thought about every day when he woke up. The mere thought of her smile, made him grin.

He made his way upstairs, tiptoeing as he did so. He peeked around the door, and, seeing that she wasn't there, stormed into the room, shoving his hands into his hair in anxiety. He paced around, deciding what exactly to do next, however, Daniel drew a blank. So he threw open the doors, and he ran.

He ran, far, and fast. One foot in front of the other. Boom. Boom. Boom. Repetitive. Safe. Nothing unexpected. He ran and his mind was miraculously clear. He pulled out his phone, and dialled 911.

The voice on the other end, made an attempt to get his address, and some details about Emily, to which Daniel replied his address, at the beach house, and 'Imagine the most beautiful woman in the world. I married her. She's got curly blonde hair, and dark brown eyes.' With that, tears were brought to is eyes, as he fell to his knees. He was told that a police car was being dispatched and they'd be there soon.

He, for a moment, couldn't contemplate life without his true love. He felt as though life wasn't worth living anymore.

© Sarah Egan 2013 - 2014 This story is subject to copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the author.

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