Chapter 33

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Nolan his behind the television in the corner, and Garcia behind the door. She waited with bated breath, as Aiden stepped towards Emily, gun in hand, loading it with the ammunition he'd bought. He'd gotten enough rounds to get he and Emily out of the country too. "Just think, my love. In little over a day, we'll me Mr. and Mrs. Aiden Mathis, and live happily ever after for the rest of our lives." Daniel used more self control than he'd ever had to before to prevent himself from lunging at Aiden right then and there. Emily looked up at hi, with deadened eyes and whispered "It would seem that way, wouldn't it?"

Nolan's gaze met Emily's, as Aiden was about to turn around, and put Daniel 'out of his misery'. Nolan knew what he had to do. He looked up to Garcia, and knew that she did too. In a flurry of speed and movement, Nolan had used all the strength he could summon to floor Aiden, as Daniel leapt upon his mighty form too, and Garcia followed promptly to handcuff him to the extreme weight of the television. Daniel rushed over to Emily, and untied her. The two hugged for the first time in what seemed like forever and a day. All Daniel wanted to do was hold her "I love you" he whispred into her ear, with all the sincerity he could muster, as she kissed his cheek and replied "I love you too."

"What do you say we get out of here?" Daniel asked. "I'd love nothing more" replied Emily, who sounded more than relieved to be free of her captor. The sun was beginning to set, and they enjoyed the peaceful Alpine atmosphere while they could, for they knew that soon the press would be clamouring for news of their miracullous escape from the purgatory of Aiden's grasp.

Let's get the evidence. Daniel crouched down in his haunches, looked Aiden in the eyes with a hard stare, and asked him in a firm voice "Where is it?" Aiden smiled back, and spat in Daniel's face. "Why should I, tell you?" "You son of a-" as Daniel raised his arm to puch Aiden in the face, he was cut off by Emily, who looked upset. "Don't, Daniel. I'm pretty sure he never took it out of the car anyway." Aiden smiled again and smugly said "You never did enjoy seeing me hurt Emily."

After, with some difficulty, Emily persuaded Daniel to ignore him and look in the car, they stepped out into the snow, and Daniel smashed the driver's side window of the SUV. He opened he door, and sat inside, reaching over to retrieve his back leather briefcase from the seat next to him. "Got it?" Emily asked, craning her neck in order to get a better view. "Yeah. It was here. We shouldn't have bothered talking to that jerk, or trying to at least." "Well look, we're all ok. Now we're going home, and we'll tell everyone everything, and lead noramal, happy lives." "You kow how that sounds after the time we've had?" "How?" Emily replied. "Perfect. Just perfect."

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