Chapter 29

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The hustle and bustle of New York long behind them, Nolan and Garcia relaxed on his private jet, on their way to Daniel and Emily's hotel in Zurich. The crash of the waves was a distant memory, and their minds were set on the task at hand. ''How are we supposed to get into the room anyway?'' Garcia, never having broken the law before, didn't really know how to go about it. Luckily for her though, Nolan was a veritable expert on the subject. "We get the maid's master key card." A skeptical Garcia challenged him "And failing that...?" "We use a note written by Emily, giving the person behind the front desk permission to open the room for us!" With a smile, he continued to type on his iPad, only to once again be interrupted "So this whole thing was planned?!" "No. Of course not" a smirk materialised on his face "but I am amazing at forging her handwriting!"

Daniels eyes didn't move from the spider on the cobweb that clung to a beam above him. The one thing he'd had to look at since he and Emily had been taken there. All of a sudden his attention was grabbed by Emily "You know what?" "What?" "Remember when we were shot, getting off the jet in Paris?" Daniel thought about it. Of course, he remembered, but didn't like mentally reliving those days. After all, they were among the darkest of his life. He eventually returned to the present and replied "Yeah. What about it?" "Well, right after I realised I lost the baby, you know what I felt?" Daniel thought he'd know this for certain, so decided to hazard a guess "Grief? Pain? I don't know, Emily. To be honest, I'd prefer not to discu-" "I felt relief" Emily interrupted him before he had a chance to stop her. "You see, the night before our anniversary, I had a dream, that we were out at dinner, and you had to take a call. It turns out your mother had killed herself. So we decided to cut dinner short to tell the kids." "So in your dream, we had kids?" Daniel- looking rather pleased with himself- continued "How many?" "Three," Emily answered "two girls, and a little boy. The eldest girl looked a lot like my father, the boy was like a little you with blue eyes. But the last child. The middle one. She was a carbon copy of your mother." As she said those words, Emily's blood ran cold, and she had to suppress the urge to shiver. Daniel also went quiet for a minute, but, nonetheless, Emily continued. "After the funeral, we returned to Grayson Manor, and I, for some reason, went to go sit in Victoria's chair. And as I sat there, looking out over the house, and the view of the beach. I realised I'd become her. When I woke, it occurred to me that I was on my way to actualising the dream. I'd married you, the eldest Grayson son, and when I found out I was pregnant, I felt happy, but a little trapped." Daniel, feeling hurt, asked her "The point of this tale being...?" Emily shook her head and laughed quietly "Because the whole time we've been here, all I can think is 'I bet Victoria never followed Conrad to Europe to exonerate someone, only to be kidnapped by her ex-lover!"

© Sarah Egan 2013 - 2014 This story is subject to copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the author.

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