Chapter 7

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Paris. The city of love. The city of lights. It's funny. No one ever associates it with anything bad. Never associates it with trauma. Or sadness. Neither did Emily Grayson. Until...

The jet touched down on French soil once more. Crowds watched as Daniel and Emily Grayson descended the small flight of steps beneath the door of the white vessel.

To their right was a tall tower, nearly 30 storeys high, overlooking the seine. It was a beautiful sunny day, and many had obviously been interested in the homecoming of the expectant couple. This made the events of that afternoon all the more shocking. It also made it easier for them to unfold unnoticed, until it was too late.

As they reached the gate of the small airport, they were asked by a reporter to comment on the events of the summer. Daniel looked at his shoes, brought his head up silently, and softly said 'This summer, this summer. Well, my wife and I received news of a new family member', he smiled, beckoning towards Emily's waistline 'but, we also watched another perish. We watched my little sister battle against an addiction. A battle I'm sorry to say she lost. This summer, has been one unlike any other I have ever experienced' Emily gazed at him lovingly. He had put it so eloquently. He was amazing. She had promised that she'd cook dinner that night, so she was eager to get home and begin. Daniel kissed Emily on the cheek

As Emily took Daniel's hand, and began to lead him away, a booming noise could be heard coming from the tower. Emily looked quickly at the tower and felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She looked down at herself, only to find that she was bleeding uncontrollably. Another boom was heard, and Daniel was on the ground. Emily's eyes began to close. She could feel herself slipping. Slipping. Slipping. She hit the ground.

© Sarah Egan 2013 - 2014 This story is subject to copyright and may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the author.

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