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Suddenly, Claude froze in place, the familiar silhouette of a woman standing off in the distance. Claude's eyes grew wide, slowly recognizing the girl through the rain.

"...Blair!" he exclaimed. Blair stood motionless, blinking in surprise.

"...Claude!" Blair replied, weakly looking to him as the storm raged on. As the policewoman aimed a gun at Abby, Abby turned her head, eyeing Blair with a cold, stoic stare.

"...Cop lady. You've returned," she said. Blair stood motionless.

"...Abby?!" she exclaimed in disbelief. "...Is that really you? What happened to you?!" Blair asked, staring on at the ten foot Abby.

"I've transformed. I've become what I was destined to all along," Abby said.

"...And that is?" Blair asked warily. Abby briefly paused, soon turning to the three.

"...The ruler of the world," Abby replied, pausing as her eyes glowed red. "...No. The universe." Suddenly, lightning crashed, rain intensifying as it turned to an all out monsoon.

As Abby stood forebodingly over the others, moans suddenly echoed from a distance. The four looked around, noticing countless zombies approaching from the horizon.

"...Aww hell naw...!" Marcus said, looking to the waves of zombies closing in on them.

"Oh, my," Amanda remarked. "That's more of those things than I've ever seen before." Just then, Blair worriedly looked to Abby and Claude.

"Abby! Let Claude go!" Blair said, doing her best to aim her Tec-9 through the rain.

"Stupid creature," Abby said. "You are but a lowly worm. You and your wretched little friends. You have such ill manners. How dare you interrupt me when Claude and I were having a little chat." Claude shook his head.

"Blair! Get out of here! Save yourself! Abby's gone psycho! She's dangerous!" Claude yelled. Suddenly, Abby turned to him, pinning him against a wall with one hand by his neck.

"Claude!" Blair exclaimed worriedly. As Claude struggled to breathe, Abby coldly stared at him.

"Hush, darling. It's quiet time," she taunted. "...Now. I believe it's time for one of our little games. It's been far too long, wouldn't you agree...?" Abby asked, a faint smile growing on her otherwise expressionless face. Blair froze in place, tensing up as Amanda and Marcus stood nearby. "...How about 'Simon Says'? You remember how it's played, don't you? Or need I remind you of Lucy's fate?" Claude cringed.

"Da—mn... you...!" he said, voice barely audible as Abby's massive claws gripped his neck.

"Claude!" Blair exclaimed worriedly. "Fine! We'll do whatever you want! Just please... don't hurt him!"

"There's a good little ape," Abby said. "Now... Simon says: drop your weapons."

Blair froze in place, hesitating before dropping her gun. She then looked to Marcus, Marcus hesitating as Blair looked to him with pleading eyes.

"Marcus, please do what she says. Claude's life depends on it!" Blair said. Marcus paused, slowly shaking his head.

"Like hell I will! That crazy b*tch ain't gohn kill Marcus Taylor! I'm outta here!" he replied, quickly jumping in the car before slamming the door shut.

"Marcus!" Blair exclaimed.

Marcus paid little heed, flooring the accelerator as the silver four door took off. As it turned around and barreled down the street, Abby eyed the car, raising her wings before summoning an oscillation. Suddenly, she released it, the deadly vibration tearing through the asphalt toward the car.

As the oscillation shot from Abby's body, it split the pavement in two beneath Blair and Amanda's feet. The two tumbled out of the way as Abby's attack quickly closed in on Marcus. Upon reaching the car, the vehicle's windows all shattered. Suddenly, the car exploded, turning into a smoldering pile of scrap. As the others stood in awe at Abby's strength, Abby gave a cold, faint smirk.

"No running allowed," she said, soon turning back to Blair. "...Now. Simon says: approach your little friend over there."

Blair briefly paused, looking to Amanda as Amanda gave her a look of concern. The policewoman did as ordered, warily stepping up to Amanda.

"Now...," Abby said, turning to them before giving a sinister stare. "...Simon says: rip the cop lady's head off." Suddenly, Blair and Amanda paused in shock.

"What?!" Blair asked.

"...No! There's no way I'm killing Blair!" Amanda replied sternly.

"...Oh? Don't you care about little Claude's life, here?" Abby asked, tightening her grip on the boy's neck.

"Claude!" Blair exclaimed. She then weakly frowned, slowly turning to Amanda. As Claude noticed the look of resignation on Blair's face, he cringed.

"Blair! Don't do it! Run!" Claude exclaimed, struggling to breathe against Abby's fierce grip. Blair slowly paused, weakly smiling over at him.

"Claude... it's alright. If it's to save you, I'll do anything," she said warmly. "...Abby. You'll keep your word and promise to let Claude go if we go through with this, right...?"

"But of course," Abby replied. Blair then turned to Amanda, steeling her resolve before giving a small nod.

"...Alright, Amanda. Do it," she said firmly.

"...Blair...," Amanda replied worriedly. As the two stood motionless, Abby raised a brow at them.

"Hurry. I grow impatient with you little maggots," she said.

Amanda warily turned to Blair, stepping forward while looking her in eyes. Blair gave a solemn smile, nodding as Amanda worriedly looked on. Amanda then hesitated, slowly raising her hands to Blair's neck.

As she was just about to act, Amanda suddenly shot toward Abby with lightning speed. She quickly raised her tail, swiftly extending it out her way. In a flash, it reached her, cutting Abby's arm off by the elbow.

As the lengthy limb fell to the ground, Abby stood stoic as Claude suddenly dropped to the pavement. Amanda then pressed the attack, feverishly slashing and swiping her tail at her opponent. Abby leapt backward, countless tentacles shooting out from her wound. In an instant, they broke and fell off, leaving a new arm in its place.

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