Well, it's been a long, wild ride, but at last "Godead" is finally complete. The book ends inconclusively, leaving plenty of room for a sequel. I considered writing a bonus chapter that would have taken place a month before the chaos began, chronicling the lives of the characters before the apocalypse started. I decided against this, however, as I felt it was unnecessary, and I'm not a fan of writing things just to fill up words.
"Godead" began life back in the summer of 2015 when I had an inspiration to write a zombie apocalypse that resembled something between the manga "Claymore" and the game "Resident Evil 2". I particularly enjoyed writing this novel, as unlike other things I've scribbled down, this book pretty much wrote itself.
Thanks to my faithful readers:
And many others. Your loyal readership and commentary have meant much to me, and have served as an inspiration to actually buckle down and finish this book.
Guess that about covers it. Thanks so much for reading. Till next time! Mata neeeee~ ヾ(`ω`)
This book is a work of fiction. None of its contents relate to any real persons, living or dead.
© 2016 Catadioptric. All Rights Reserved.
ParanormaleClaude arose from a bad dream and awoke to a nightmare. His biggest concern used to be finding something to eat. Now, it was surviving the apocalypse. The boy teams up with a police officer and a little girl, and the three soon meet someone far wors...