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"Dammit, Abby! Why are you doing this? Just stop and let Misty go!" Claude said. Abby raised an eyebrow.

"Did I say you could speak?" she asked, tightly squeezing Misty as she struggled to breathe.

"...No! I'm sorry! Just please... don't hurt Misty!" Claude said. As Blair pointed her gun at Lucy, Abby grinned.

"Simon says: shoot the girl dead!" she ordered wickedly.

"...No...!" Blair said weakly, Lucy terrified as Abby tilted her head.

"...No? Don't you care about this little brat's face...? She might lose her cuteness if I peel back her flesh!" she said fiendishly.

As the group stood in tense silence, Blair hesitated, slowly taking aim at Lucy's chest.

"...Lucy... I'm sorry," she said weakly.

As Blair was about to fire, Misty looked down, suddenly stomping Abby's foot. Abby cringed, briefly loosening her grip as Misty broke free, rushing to Claude's side as Blair pointed her gun at Abby. As she opened fire, Abby smirked, nimbly dodging as Blair struggled to aim.

"...Damn! She's so fast!" Lucy said in surprise.

"Keep still, dammit!" Blair shouted as Abby casually evaded.

"Well this clenches it. She's most certainly not a normal girl," Claude said, watching as Abby dodged bullets with inhuman speed.

"Too slow, cop lady!" Abby exclaimed from the other end of the street.

"...This is bad. She's too fast. We'll run out of ammo at this rate," Blair said.

"What should we do?" Lucy asked.

"I say break for the car. Fire a few shots if Abby gets close," Claude said.

As Abby approached from a distance, the four rushed to Blair's vehicle, Abby closing in as Blair took aim, firing several shots as the four entered the vehicle. As Abby watched the car take off, she paused, cringing as she clenched her fists.

"Did I give you permission to run!?" she yelled, chasing after the car at blinding speed. As the vehicle gained momentum, Abby jumped, barely managing to latch onto the bumper. As the vehicle sped off, Claude turned back, cringing as Abby climbed onto the car.

"Damn! This chick doesn't give up, does she?" he asked, worriedly watching as Abby crept across the trunk. As she neared the window, she grinned, smashing the window and grabbing Lucy's hair.

"No!" Lucy shrieked, struggling as Abby began pulling her outside.

"Lucy!" Claude exclaimed, grabbing her legs as he tried pulling her back. Abby's strength was too much, however, and Lucy was soon dragged from the car. As she struggled to escape Abby's grasp, Abby paused, turning Lucy's face toward Claude.

"...Watch this!" Abby said, wickedly smirking as Lucy screamed for her life.

Suddenly, Abby raised her arm, grabbing the bottom of Lucy's chin before peeling her head back like a sardine can, slowly tearing her head off as blood painted the car crimson red. Claude froze in place, watching in horror as Abby separated Lucy's head from her shoulders, flinging her body away as it rolled off the car. Abby then held out the head, smirking as Claude went pale.

"...Cool, huh?" she asked with a smile. Claude gritted his teeth.

"Damn you!" he exclaimed, taking out his metal pipe before swinging it.

Abby watched in surprise, narrowly dodging as the vehicle raced down the streets. As Claude swung the pipe, Abby grabbed it, flinging it away as Claude froze in place. As Abby crept toward the window, Blair looked back.

"...Hang on, Misty," she said, suddenly slamming on the brakes.

As the car screeched to a halt, Abby's eyes went wide as she flew forward, dropping Lucy's head before landing in front of the car. As Blair slammed down the accelerator, Abby rolled sideways, narrowly avoiding the car as it sped away. As its headlights disappeared off in the distance, Abby rose to her feet, smirking as she licked the blood from her wrist.

"...Now that was fun!" she said, turning around before casually walking off into the night.

"Claude! Are you alright!?" Blair asked, looking to him in the rear view mirror.

"...Yeah. I think so. But... Lucy," he replied somberly.

"Claude! You're bleeding!" Misty said, pointing to a wound on his hand.

"...Oh. I didn't even notice through all the commotion. I must have cut it on the glass," he said, holding the top of his hand.

"We should get you to a hospital," Blair said.

"I'm fine. I doubt there's any hospitals left, anyhow," Claude replied.

"We have to try, at least. That wound could be serious, and we don't want it getting infected. I know the way to the nearest hospital from here. Just hang on, and keep pressure on the wound," Blair said, driving to the hospital as a chill wind whistled through the windows.

"We should consider finding a new car. This one already has three shattered windows," Claude said.

"I agree. I can't believe they broke them so easily... that's heavy duty reinforced glass these patrol cars have, yet Abby and that little boy shattered them like they were nothing," Blair said.

"Yeah. Whatever those creatures are, it's obvious by now how dangerous they can be. And the young ones seem worst of all," Claude said.

"Yes. They move fast and have unusual strength, while the adults just stumble around and moan. Not that they can't kill, too...," Blair said, remembering her dead partner Nelson.

Moments later, the trio arrived at Palm View Medical Center, grimly looking around at the ruined hospital.

"...Figures the place would be a mess," Claude said.

"Come on. We're going inside," Blair replied.

"I don't know, Blair. There's probably not a soul left alive in there," Claude said.

"Well even so, we need to find treatment for that cut of yours. Stick close, Misty," Blair said, the three leaving the car before crossing the parking lot.

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