Chapter 1

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Ok guys so this is the first chapter of Immortal Perfection! I’m actually really excited about this story if you couldn’t tell and I’ve been putting bits and pieces of it together for a while now! Please please please let me know what you think because I really need to know! I think this chapter is a little eh but if you think it’ll be good I’ve already finished the second chapter and I’ll be putting it up soon if you like it! Thanks guys! I love you! Love, Sami <3

Chapter One:

Sunday: October 13, 2013

Zayn POV:

The sky was grey and cloudy just like it normally was in the fall in Cheshire. I looked up at the sky and a drop of rain fell onto my face. I groaned and wiped it off before continuing my walk through the little town that I had chosen to be my home for the next few years. It was a drag moving from country to country every so often just so I wasn’t hunted down by those damn fools. One day I would rip all of their heads off for wasting so much of my time. But for now I just had to focus on becoming stronger and finding someone every weak to feast off of so I wasn’t so hungry all the time. There weren’t enough people in this small town to be able to kill one every time I needed a meal so my only choice was going to a different place to eat. I guess it wasn’t my only choice. I guess I could be like most of the vampires and not kill their prey but what was the fun in that?

I pulled my hood over my head a bit more so people couldn’t completely see my oddly pale complexion. I really wasn’t worried that these morons would figure out that I was a vampire; it just really pissed me off when people stared at me. I looked over to where I heard a dog barking and saw that it was getting its picture taken. I laughed at the absolute idiocy of getting your pet’s picture taken professionally by some loser that thinks he understands animals. I shook my head but when I saw the absolute loser that was taking the pictures I stopped in my tracks. I couldn’t help but notice that this photographer was damn near perfect. He looked like the perfect person to feast upon during my next meal. He looked athletic and healthy but not to the point where he looked obsessed with working out. That’s what I always looked for in my prey. I wanted someone that I knew would struggle to get away but know that there would be no point in it anyway. I liked to see the fear in their eyes as they screamed and begged for mercy.

I sat on a nearby bench and snatched my sunglasses out of my pocket when the sun broke through the clouds to shine in my eyes. I absolutely hated the sun. It wasn’t that it hurt me or anything but I just couldn’t stand the bright light that it emitted. After about 30 minutes of waiting I watched the curly haired boy put his camera into a case and pet the dog goodbye before taking a check from the dog’s master and walking away. I got up a few seconds after he left the park making sure to keep a close eye on him. I followed him for a few blocks and then watched as he unlocked the door to a small building and disappeared into the shop.

I looked up at the sign and chuckled, “Paws and Claws Petography? How cute.”

I waited a few moments before making my way into the shop and putting a friendly smile on my face. A little bell dinged and the boy turned around to see me walking towards the counter.

He smiled a bit, “Hello sir. Welcome to Paws and Claws Petography. How can I help you?”

Wow he was cute.

I shrugged, “I would like to have some pictures taken of my dog.”

“Then you’ve come to the right place. Let me just get you some paperwork to fill out.” He disappeared into another room on the other side of the counter and a few moments later he handed me a few papers. “Now what are you and your dog’s names?”

Immortal Perfection (Zarry/Nouis)Where stories live. Discover now