Chapter 12.

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Well this is the second chapter of the day but I'm not quite sure that I like it too much. Let me know what you think though! It's all about you guys! Lol. Love you! Love, Sami <3

Chapter Twelve:

November 6, 2013

Harry’s POV:

The past few days had gone by pretty well and most of the time Zayn and I just sat around and watched television or played videogames. On Sunday I had convinced him to go out and buy an Xbox so we could play Call of Duty since he had never played it before and he got really into it. The morning after we bought it I woke up and found him playing it at 5 in the morning. I wasn’t mad that his screaming at the game had woken me though; I actually found it quite adorable. It was nice to see him letting lose and having a bit of fun instead of being uptight like usual. But now it was Wednesday and I was starting to notice him being a little more distant than he had been recently. He was still making me breakfast and sitting upstairs with me while I slept but his attitude made it seem like he was really annoyed with me. When I would joke around with him he would give me an annoyed look instead of getting that adorable smirk on his face that I was so used to. He started shrugging and looking away from me whenever I would ask him a question and I knew that something had to be wrong.

I bit my lip as I walked into the living room where he was sitting back on the couch with an emotionless look on his face. I coughed a bit to get his attention and he slowly turned his head to look at me.

“Do you want something?”, he had a serious look on his face and I thought about retreating but decided to stand my ground instead.

“Can I sit down?” He nodded a bit and I made my way over to the couch. I sat down beside him but not so close that he would feel uncomfortable and took a deep breath. “Is everything alright?”

“Everything is fine.”

I looked down at my hands, “Are you sure? You’ve been acting kind of weird lately.”

He sighed, “I said that everything is fine Harry.”

I nodded, “Yea I know what you said but that doesn’t mean that everything really is fine. You know that you can talk to me Zayn. I just want to he-“

He cut me off before abruptly standing up from the couch and moving in front of me. “I’m fucking fine! If something was wrong then I would tell you but everything is fine! Why can’t you just let it go?!”

I flinched back and directed my eyes to the spot on the couch next to me instead of looking at Zayn. I didn’t like when he was angry because it just reminded me of the times that I was in the basement screaming for my life while he threatened me. I knew that he really wouldn’t hurt me but it still made me feel uncomfortable when he was yelling like this.

I gulped, “Can you please stop…”

“Stop what?!”

I slowly and carefully motioned to his body, “This…can you stop this…I don’t like when you do this…”

“What the fuck do you mean?! I’m not doing anything wrong! You’re the one that wants to get in my fucking business when it’s not even your problem! Ugh!” He picked up a lamp from the side table and threw it against the wall. “Fuck!”

I took a deep breath and got up from where I was sitting. I slowly walked over to Zayn whose nails were now sharp and fangs were sticking out over his bottom lip. He glared at me with an angry look on his face that in the first week that I had known him would have made me fall into the fetal position and cry. But now that I knew the raven haired boy more than I did then I felt as if I had to calm him down or at least attempt to do so. I was now only a foot or so away from him and as I took one more step towards him he growled at me.

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