Chapter 20.

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So guys this is the next chapter and to me it's a little meh but I've been super stressed with finals and all of that. Just bear with me please! I'm trying! Lol. In a week I'll be finished with the semester and then I'll be free to write whenever! There is only like seven chapters or so left in this and yea. I think I'll do a sequel for this but I'm gonna do the sequel for Help Isn't Such A Bad Thing first. Anyway, enough of my ranting. Enjoy the chapter! Love you all and thank you for being so patient! Love, Sami <3

Chapter 20:

November 21, 2013

Harry's POV:

The night felt impossibly long and I had never felt so nauseous in my life. Not only was Pyro not lying happily by my feet like he normally did but Zayn was also very distressed and there wasn't even a hint of emotion on his face. I was growing more and more worried about both him and Py but there wasn't a chance that I was going to say a word to him. It would just make him more upset and that's the last thing either of us needed at that time. I had seen Zayn when he was angry and I had seen him happy but I never thought I would see him as lost as he was right now. It would be an understatement if I said that I was relieved when Zayn's phone began ringing after the sun came up. But just as quickly as I was relieved I began to listen in on the phone conversation and I felt like I was going to throw up. I watched as Zayn's face went from emotionless to just purely pissed off. I quickly left the bedroom and made my way to the bathroom to empty the contents of my stomach and after making sure I was finished I walked back into the bedroom. Before I could even walk over the threshold I heard something shatter and I ran quickly to see Zayn picking up a ceramic figurine and throwing it hard against the wall. His fangs were showing and he honestly looked like he was ready to kill someone but I knew he was upset and even though I was a bit scared at his attitude I had to be there for him.

I ran over to him and reached to grab his hand that was now balled up into a fist. Without a single thought he pushed me into the wall with incredible force and I let out a loud groan. I know he probably didn't think he pushed me that hard but holy shit that hurt! I looked up at him and within a few seconds the anger started to drain from his face and all that was left was pure worry. He quickly came over to me and kneeled beside me where I had fallen against the wall. I was clutching my arm but I didn't want him to think it was a big deal so I let go of it and a pain shot through it. I held in the scream that was dying to be let out but Zayn had other things to worry about and it honestly just wasn't that important.

He grabbed my hand and spoke softly, "Harry...I-I'm so sorry."

I shook my head, "It's ok Zayn. I'm fine."

He didn't say anything, he just got up and held out his hands for me to help me up. I grabbed the both of them and a blinding pain ran through the left side of my body. I braced myself for impact as I clenched my eyes shut getting ready for the pain when I hit the floor but I never did. I opened my eyes slowly and Zayn was holding me in his arms.

I smiled, "Thanks Zaynie."

He shook his head, "Don't thank me. I did this to you. I'm taking you to the doctor."

He began to carry me out of the door bridal style and I shook my head, "No! No doctor!"

"You need to go Harry."

"I hate the doctor! Doctor means needles! I don't like needles!"

Zayn sighed, "I'm sorry but I'm not going to let you be in so much pain. We'll get you some medication and hopefully nothing is broken but I have a feeling something is."

I knew there was no use trying to fight Zayn. Even when I wasn't hurt I was no match for him so I just had to suck it up and let him carry me to see the doctor. I nuzzled in close to his chest and breathed in his scent. God he smelled good! Maybe him dragging me to the doctor wouldn't be so bad after all.

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