Chapter 10.

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So here's the next chapter! I have midterms next week and the week after but I'm sure it won't effect my writing all that much! Hopefully I'll be able to get a few chapters done tonight! We'll see! Thank you all for the feedback and votes and I just don't deserve you lovely people! I'm so happy! I really hope you enjoy this chapter! Love, Sami <3 

P.S. I've been doing dedications and it's mostly for the people that I've noticed most with feedback and voting and stuff so if you want a dedication just do it up! Lol. Love you!

Chapter Ten:

October 31, 2013

Zayn’s POV:

The mansion was quiet and Harry was fast asleep. It was 7 in the morning and now was my chance to do this. If I was going to pull this off then I would have to do it now. I ran to the outside of the mansion and whistled for Sagi to come over to me. Within seconds she was running out of the dark forest and by my side. I knew that Harry would be so pissed at me after I did this to him but I just really had to do it. I told Sagi the plan and we made our way into the kitchen before she laid on the floor and I grabbed the jug of blood out of the cabinet. Pyro came trotting in and laid beside her on the tile floor as I drenched the two of them in the dark red liquid. I laughed as I placed the jug back onto the shelf and reminded them to stay still one more time. I kneeled down beside them and waited a few seconds so my nails were fully grown and my fangs were out. Sadly I wasn’t able to make my eyes change but I knew this would freak him out well enough. I let out a loud scream and cued Pyro to bark and in a matter of seconds I could hear Harry’s feet running through the top level of the mansion and down the stairs. I leaned over Sagi and Pyro in a creepy manner and right on time I heard Harry let out a blood curdling scream. I smirked to myself but quickly turned around and put a psychopathic smile on my face. It was so hard not to laugh when I saw Harry’s face. His eyes were wide and I swear to god he was about to pee himself right there in the kitchen.

“Z-Zayn?! What are you doing?!”, He yelled out.

I didn’t say anything afraid that if I did I would ruin my prank for my favorite holiday. I just slowly got up with blood all over my hands and walked over to Harry. He began to shake and I could tell that he was actually buying this stupid little scene that I was putting on.

He put his arms in front of his face, “Please don’t hurt me Zayn! Please! You know that I won’t tell anyone! I’ll go back upstairs and act like I never even saw any of this!”

I touched his arm and he screamed and then I just couldn’t do it anymore.  There were now tears streaming down his face and I honestly was starting to feel guilty about the whole prank. I sighed, “Harry. It’s ok. Relax.” He wouldn’t listen to me though and his arms were still covering his face. “Py. Sagi. Show Harry that you’re alright.”

They both shot up from the kitchen floor and trotted over to Harry. They jumped up on him knocking him to the ground and started licking his tear stained face. After a few moments he was still crying so they sat down beside him and looked up at me. I shrugged my shoulders and sighed, “Harry. They’re alright. It was just a joke.” The crying didn’t stop so I kneeled down next to him and tried to comfort him but he just wouldn’t let up. “Harry I’m sorry. That wasn’t a nice thing for me to do to you.”

He wiped his eyes, “Why do you do things like that to me?”

I stuttered, “I-I…I don’t know. I guess I just thought that it would be funny. I’m sorry.”

“How…how do I know that you’re not lying?”

“I am sorry. See?” I leaned down over him and gave him a hug and whispered, “I really am. Please forgive me…” I was starting to feel really bad because I knew that I had scared him a little while ago with the whole feeding thing in the basement and I didn’t want to scare him like that again. This was just supposed to be a joke though. I never thought that he would take it so seriously. I was still holding him close with my arms wrapped around his crying figure when I heard him let out a loud laugh. I pulled back and raised my eyebrow confused as to why he was laughing at me. “Why are you laughing?”

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