Chapter 19.

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So here's the next chapter. Not sure how I feel about it. Kinda eh. But I hope you all like it! I love you! Love, Sami <3 

P.S. I put my image of Pyro in the multimedia for you all! 

Chapter Nineteen:

November 20, 2013

Harry's POV:

Since the night of mine and Zayn's monthiversarry I had been pretty much obsessed over us being a thing. Of course I never let Zayn know that because honestly it was a little creepy. I had dreams about us that may or may not have been a tad sexual at times and I wasn't the type to just let him know all about my obsessive thoughts about us. I had to admit that on the night he gave me the vial I fangirled a bit in the shower. It would have been pretty embarassing if someone had witnessed it but thankfully I was alone. Zayn had been very protective over me this past week and I could assume that it was still because of my kidnapping but it felt like he was much more protective now than he was right after the incident. I didn't want to jump to any conclusions but I was pretty sure that he was starting to fall for me as much as I was for him. Or at least starting to like me more. 

Right now I was sitting on the couch cuddled into Zayn's side with his arm flung over my shoulders as we were watching some show about animals that Zayn was really into. Louis and Niall were snuggled up next to each other on the other couch and Louis would look at me every so often and give me that 'you two are so in love' look and I would end up blushing like a lovestruck teenage girl every time. It was a good thing that Zayn was too focused on his show to even notice my reddening face because I really didn't want to have to explain my blushing. 

I hadn't slept very well the previous night so I let out a loud yawn and Zayn chuckled, "Want to go to bed Harry?"

I looked up at Zayn and shook my head, "No. I want to stay up with you guys."

He poked my nose, "The difference is that we don't need sleep. You in fact do. And I know you didn't sleep much last night so maybe you should go to bed early tonight." I made the pouty face and he sighed, "Harry, don't be like that. You know that I want you to stay up with us but I just think you could use a little sleep. Or at least a nap."

I groaned and then slowly got up from my position on the couch, "Fine. But I'm not happy about it."

Zayn chuckled, "Ok. How about I come tuck you in? Will that make you stop whining?"

"Maybe." I saw him getting up and a big grin spread across my face. "Are you gonna tell me a bedtime story too?"

"Don't push it Styles." 

I laughed and stripped off my clothes until I was just down to my boxers. I laid down on the bed and when I looked around I couldn't see Zayn anymore. "Zayn? Where are you?" He popped up from the end of the bed and had a concerned look on his face. "What's wrong?" He ran his hands through his hair and began pacing back and forth. I got up from the bed and made my way over to him before grabbing his hands in mine and looking him in the eye. "Zayn?"

He looked so distraught that it made me want to cry and when he talked his voice cracked a bit, "Look at him Hazza..." 

Ok. Now I was confused. "Look at who Zayn?"

He pointed to the end of the bed and I slowly walked over to where he was pointing. As I stepped closer I noticed Pyro on the floor at the end of the bed. His eyes seemed to be glazed over and I could almost feel the sadness coming from him. 

I kneeled down next to him and looked to Zayn, "What's wrong with him? Is he ok?"

Zayn shrugged, "I don't know. I'll try to ask him." Zayn kneeled down next to me and placed a gentle hand on Pyro's head, "Py? Are you alright?" Pyro glanced at Zayn and Zayn asked another question, "What hurts?" After a few moments the look on Zayn's face became more serious and he nodded, "We're gonna take you to the doctor ok? You're gonna be alright."

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