Chapter 4

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This one is kinda just a little filler kinda. I don’t know. It’s all about harry understanding things and yea. So hopefully you like it and the next chapter should be up on Tuesday. I love you all. And thank you for the comments and votes and everything! You guys are amazing! Love, Sami <3

Chapter Four:

October 18, 2013

Harry POV:

Ugh…Where am I? And why does my head hurt so badly?

I felt a pounding in my head and then realized that my face hurt pretty badly as well. Then I remembered…again. I shot up from my position and I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that I could actually sit up this time. I looked all around and I was still in the dark room but now there was a bit of light that made it seem a little less scary. I mean I was still kidnapped by a bunch of freaks that were planning to kill me but I definitely preferred the lights to be on while I was alive. I ran towards the door of the room and once again it was much too heavy for me to pull open.

After a few moments of trying to pull it open I got frustrated and started punching it over and over again. Tears started streaming down my face and I yelled, “Let me out! Please! Just let me go home!” I felt like I had lost all of my strength and I sank to the floor with my head in my hands. I began sobbing like a little girl but I just couldn’t handle being locked away like this. I needed to be out. “Please let me go…please…”

I heard the door opening and I knew that they were probably back to hurt me some more but I just stayed where I was. I knew now that I couldn’t possibly fight my way out so there really was no way out for me. The door closed and I could feel someone staring at me. I didn’t care that I looked like a pathetic fool crying his eyes out on a cold floor.

“Stop crying.”

I recognized Zayn’s voice. It was cold and hard just like the last time I had heard it. It was obvious to me that he really didn’t have any emotion and it made me wonder how someone could end up that way. There must be a reason for someone to just live their life hating everything and anything that they saw.

“I said stop crying.” I couldn’t stop though and it was making him angry, “I said stop!” I pulled my knees closer to my body and put my head further into my hands in hopes of protecting myself from his fury. “Stop fucking crying!”

“Zayn! Are you yelling?” I heard Louis walk into the room and I looked up at the two of them. Louis’ hands were on his hips and he was giving Zayn a look that someone’s mother would give them if they had just stolen a cookie out of the cookie jar.

Zayn gritted through his teeth, “He won’t stop crying Louis. What the hell am I supposed to do?”

Louis rolled his eyes and kneeled down next to me, “Are you ok Harry? Are you hungry?” I didn’t respond so he placed his hand on my knee and softened his voice a bit, “It’s ok. You can talk to me. I’m not as mean as Malik over here. He’s just really bitter.”

It took me a while but I finally got the courage to squeak out, “I am a little hungry…”

Louis smiled, “Well then Zayn will go to the store and get you some food. Right Zayn?” He looked over to Zayn with a smile on his face but when Zayn just looked at him he started to glare. “You’re gonna go get some food for Harry, right?”

Zayn groaned and threw his hands up in the air, “This is so fucking stupid!”

“Call it what you want to Zayn but Harry is a human and he needs to eat. Grab him some juice too. Humans love that kinda flavored stuff.”

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