Chapter 13.

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In spirit of the perfection that it Story of My Life I have decided to put the next chapter up! I love this song! Have a great days guys! Love, Sami <3

Chapter Thirteen:

November 7, 2013

Harry’s POV:

After Zayn and I had gotten back from the diner the previous night everything seemed like it was back to normal but I still noticed that he was acting a bit on the unusual side. He seemed to be very fidgety and he kept looking around the room as if something or someone was watching our every move. I really wanted to get to the bottom of his weird behavior so when Niall and Louis came over later in the day I just had to find out if they knew anything.

I heard the doorbell ring and I shot out of my seat on the couch and jogged to the front door. I quickly opened the door and when I saw Louis I grabbed his wrist and dragged him into the kitchen.

“I need to talk to you!”

His eyes were wide and he nodded, “Yea. I can see that. What’s going on?”

I looked around to make sure that Zayn was nowhere in sight. When I decided that the coast was clear I whispered, “Zayn has been acting really weird lately and I don’t know why. He flipped out on me yesterday but we talked it out and now he’s acting like someone is watching him at all times. He’s just not acting the same way.”

Louis sighed and mumbled to himself, “I can’t believe he’s still doing this…”

I looked at him suspiciously, “What are you talking about?” He didn’t answer so I asked again more harshly this time, “Louis, what are you talking about?!”

He shook his head slowly and it was as if he was about to tell me that someone had died, “I didn’t want to tell you but I guess I have no choice. Maybe you can talk some sense into him.” He paused and said in a low whisper, “Zayn has been pretty much starving himself since the little feeding incident between you two.”

My eyes went wide, “What?! But that was like 2 weeks ago!”

He nodded, “I know. And even that night he didn’t get a complete feeding done. I’ve tried to convince him over and over that he has to feed or he’ll get sick but he just won’t listen to me. He’s afraid that something will happen and you’ll run away again. He is really scared that he’s going to lose you one day Harry and I think maybe you’re the only one that could possibly talk some sense into him.”

I thought for a minute about all of the things that had showed signs of him starving himself and it all just clicked. The anger, the annoyance, the fidgeting; it all made sense now. I should’ve known that that’s what it was but I just wasn’t paying enough attention to the situation to realize. I should’ve realized that he wasn’t going out to feed and I should’ve known that he was looking a little paler. All of the signs were there but I just couldn’t put the damn pieces together.

Louis put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a sympathetic look as if he knew what I was thinking, “Don’t even try to blame yourself for this Harry. You were scared that night and you had every right to be. I’ve never seen Zayn act like this before. I mean I know that he’s stubborn but he has never ever gone this long without a good feed and he’s never tried either. You’re making Zayn a different person Harry and honestly it’s for the best. He may not show that you’re getting to him but you are and you need to use that to your advantage. Make him feed when he needs to. He doesn’t have to do it a lot but if he doesn’t do it at all then something very terrible is going to happen to him and none of us want that. Ok? You need to go talk to him.”

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