Chapter 2

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Hey guys! So I had to delete this story and then put it back up so I’m sorry if it deleted from your library or anything. =[ But now it’s back up! Forgive me! I love you all and since that happened I decided I’ll put this chapter up early! I love you so much! Enjoy! Love, Sami <3

Chapter Two:

Wednesday: October 16, 2013

Harry POV:

I stood in front of the mansion waiting to build up the courage to actually walk up to the front door and ring the doorbell. I knew there really wasn’t a thing to be nervous about but something in me felt wrong. My stomach was turning and my hands were quite shaky at the moment. I took a deep breath to calm myself and when I felt that my hands were steady enough I made my way to the door and pushed the doorbell. I heard it ring throughout the house and in a matter of seconds Zayn was standing in front of me with a small smile on his face.

“Welcome to my home.”

“Uh, thanks.” I mumbled and slowly walked through the door and into the house.

I looked around and I was amazed by how beautiful the inside of the house looked. I thought that the outside was nice but the inside was just completely breath taking. The furniture was all black leather and every table was a dark mahogany wood with elegant designs carved into them. There was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling that must have been worth a fortune and there were glass sculptures of different animals spread out in the rooms.

“Like it?”

I nodded, “It’s amazing.”

He chuckled, “It is, isn’t it?”

“Where did you get those sculptures? They’re so lifelike.”

“I made them.”

My jaw dropped, “You did that?”

He nodded, “Yea. I have a lot of time on my hands. Now let me show you where I want the pictures taken and I’ll let you meet Pyro. He’s been waiting all day.”

We walked through the whole house until we got to the backyard. It was pretty much just all woods and there was a fountain and a beautiful garden that looked like some professionals put together.

“Pyro!” Zayn yelled and only seconds later there was a gorgeous long haired German Shepherd running through the yard and jumping onto Zayn. “Hey buddy.” The dog barked like he understood what Zayn was saying and licked his face. “This is Harry. Remember how I told you about him?”

 Pyro barked again and strutted over to me. I tapped his head lightly, “You’re just gorgeous aren’t you? Are you ready to get your picture taken?”

He barked again and jumped up in excitement. If I didn’t know any better I would think that this dog could actually understand everything that Zayn and I were saying to him. Zayn led me farther back into the woods until we came across a little creek.

“Pyro loves to swim in here so I think this would be the perfect spot. Right Py?” Pyro ran in front of the creek and sat down almost like he was striking a pose. Zayn turned to me, “I think he’s ready.”

“Oh, uh, yea.” I fumbled with my camera bag for a few moments before turning it on and pointing it at Pyro.

I started clicking pictures of him and every single one seemed to be turning out perfectly. It seemed as if he was a model. “Wow. You’re a natural.” I turned to Zayn, “Do you maybe want some shots of him in the water? I think they would look really good.”

He nodded, “Sure. You’re the photographer.”

Zayn whistled and Pyro looked up at him, “Go for a swim.”

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