Chapter 1: Kidnapped

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DISCLAIMER - I DO NOT OWN DRAGON BALL Z. If I did I would be rich and probably making more episodes of it... Anyway this is my first time writing a story on Wattpad, so yeah, enjoy my Dragon ball z fan fiction!!!

NOTE: The spelling and grammar for this chapter has been updated. :) HOW DID I LITERALLY NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "you're" and "your" AHHHHHHHH. 


Chapter 1: Kidnapped

On a peaceful day for planet Earth Bulma, Krillin, Master Roshi and Turtle were waiting for Son Goku to arrive at Master Roshi's island. They were planning to have a reunion after not seeing Goku for 5 years after fighting Demon king Piccolo.

"Where is that Goku? He knows we're waiting for him to arrive." Bulma said annoyed tapping her foot to the ground.

"Bulma I'm sure that Goku will be here soon, I'm sure he would want to see us after such a long time. He's probably just running late or something." Krillin told her which made her feel a bit better.

"Krillin's right, he's probably going to be late. He has been late before you know." Master Roshi said agreeing with Krilin.

"Well alright, if you guys say so... I just hope that he gets here soon." Bulma said to Krillin while Master Roshi was smiling happily.


*Somewhere else on Earth*

Piccolo was training to defeat Goku when suddenly someone came up to him in the middle of his training. He seemed annoyed when this person sneaked up to him.

"Hey what do you want, can't you see I'm training fool!" Piccolo said to the person.

"I'm looking for someone named Kakarot, do you know where I could find him on this pathetic little planet?" He asked Piccolo.

The guy had long spiky hair and had a device on his face. This device was something that Piccolo had never seen before. He wore this weird armor and a red ring around his left arm and his left leg. This "person" also had a tail.

"I don't think you're from around here, you look like you're from some weird planet that wears stupid looking armor and devices on their faces." Piccolo said grinning.

"Well you don't look so normal yourself with your green skin. I'll say this once more... I'm looking for someone named Kakarot, if you don't know where he is, you're going to regret it." He said grinning.

"Kakarot, what a stupid name. I don't know who that is but he sounds stupid." Piccolo told the man.

"Well you're no use to me then, I'm going to have to kill you." He said.

Piccolo then braced himself and charged at him but the man dodged and hit Piccolo in the stomach making him hit the ground which made him almost paralyzed. Piccolo was coughing up blood. He then put his foot on Piccolo's stomach making sure he wouldn't move.

"You're pathetic, and you're no use to me. I'll just let you lay there and die." He said to Piccolo giving him a look that said "You mad bro?"

He then flew away to find this person called Kakarot. Piccolo thought "Who is this Kakarot?"


*Back on Master Roshi's island*

The gang suddenly see a moving cloud, but not just any cloud... There were people on this cloud as well. One of them had spiky black hair and an orange gi, he seemed about 20 years old. The other one was much younger, probably about 4 years old. He was wearing a funny looking red hat and a yellow shirt with a long sleeved green shirt and pants under it. He also had black hair.

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