Chapter 12: Sneak attack

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I don't own dbz, if I did I probably wouldn't be writting fanfiction about it. I didn't really know what to do in this chapter but anyway, I hope you guys like it!


Chapter 12: Sneak attack

The fight was still going, emotionally and physically... Krillin wasn't doing so well in his fight, he had gotten beat up with blood and bruises on his body. Nappa had beaten him to a bloody pulp and was about to crush him to death...

"Say your last words weakling!" Nappa yelled.

But then something rushed at Nappa and a blow was landed. An energy beam had been fired at Nappa's head sending him flying back into the ground. The blast was so powerful, it was the blast from non other then Goku.

"Krillin are you alright?" Goku asked.

"Well yeah now that you've saved me I'm fine. That was a really powerful blast you shot at him, is he dead?" Krillin asked Goku.

Goku walked towards Nappa who was plotted to the ground by Goku's energy blast. He checked to see if he was breathing, he was. Nappa was just knocked out from the blast, he wasn't actually dead.

"He's not dead, but he's knocked out cold. I think we won't have to worry about him for a while." Goku told Krillin.

Then another energy blast even more powerful than Goku's flew towards Nappa. It hit Nappa and exploded which then blew Nappa up into bit's with nothing left by ash and some flesh.

"Maybe you should worry about your real opponent Kakarot."

It was Vegeta who fired that energy beam, he had killed his own comrade. But why, why would he kill one of his own people?

"Vegeta! You killed him, your own comrade, why!?" Goku asked him.

"He was no use to me anymore, therefore I killed him and left not a trace except for ash and flesh. What's the point in keeping somebody alive if they are no use to you? Stupidity, that's what. Learn your place in this world Kakarot, I am elite and you are nothing but a fool. The same goes with everyone I meet and work with, they are the fools and I am the elite." Vegeta told Goku.

"That still doesn't mean you had to kill him!" Krillin argued.

"Well would you have rather died instead of him midget?" Vegeta asked grinning.

Krillin just replied with nothing but silence, he didn't know what to say or even think about that question. He had never thought of dying for anyone before.

"That's what I thought. Now Kakarot you are my opponent and nobody else. I will show you no mercy!" Vegeta yelled.

Vegeta then rushed towards Goku to land a punch to Goku's face. He then had a bruise on his right cheek.

"Ow, that kind of hurt..." Goku claimed.

Vegeta wasn't noticing but Krillin was trying to sneek up behind him while he was distracted by Goku.

"I have to be really quiet and keep my energy hidden or else he'll find me. This might get me killed but I have to do it, Goku helped me out many times. It's about time I helped him." Krillin thought to himself.

"Well Kakarot I see you didn't have your guard up, ha ha ha! You amuse me, now start fighting." Vegeta told him.

"I can't start fighting for real, Krillin isn't even close to him yet... *sigh" Goku thought to himself sighing.

Krillin was about halfway there, he was so close to attacking Vegeta without him noticing. This was going to be a once in a lifetime chance so he had to do this now. Goku then rushed at Vegeta and attempted a roundhouse kick, Vegeta blocked the attempt and counter attacked.

"Kakarot if this is all you have just die now! People who are weak should die, they have no purpose in this world!" Vegeta declared.

Krillin was right behind Vegeta when he was getting ready to fire a kamehameha. Goku was as well after he saw Krillin.

"Now your going to fight for real, finally." Vegeta said.

Ka-me-ha-me-HA! Goku fired his first and Vegeta dodged it and flew up into the air, but then Krillin fired his Kamehameha which Vegeta had not seen coming towards him.

"What the hell!?" Vegeta asked.

The energy beam then striked Vegeta causing him to crash into the ground causing a cloud of dust. The cloud then dissapeared reveling that Vegeta had gotten cuts, scrapes and bruises from the attack. Blood was dripping down his face from a cut in his forhead. He then got up from the ground and stood.

"Damn, Kakarot you actually got me, but trust me you won't get me again with another stupid attack like that." Vegeta told him.

Back at Raditz and Piccolo's fight they were both fighting hard. Throwing punches, kicks and energy beams, striving to kill each other. They both had bruises, cuts, scrapes and blood shed from their fight.

"Well it seems that you are tiring, luckily for you I still have the advantage." Raditz taunted.

"Hmp, I think your nothing but one hell of a bad liar. I still have something in store for you saiyan. But right now I have to check on my comrades." Piccolo told him.

Piccolo then rushed out of battle but Raditz followed him, they were not finished their fight yet.

"Why are you running fool! Are you afraid of death?" Raditz asked Piccolo smirking.

"No I'm just bored." Piccolo replied.

Now back where Gohan was there was nothing to do. He was just sitting out of boredom, he wanted to do something that would ease the boredom.

"Damn it there's nothing to do!" Gohan yelled.

Gohan then pouted for a bit and decided he wanted to fight. He was going to fight, and the fight wasn't going to be pleasent.

"Hm, I think I'll go fight, at least I won't be so bored. It's better then sitting here and being bored as hell. I wonder if the others finished off those weaklings, most likely not but anyway. I'll go there and check." Gohan said.

Gohan then flew towards where the others were fighting. Boredom lead him to curiousity and curiousity can lead to trouble... Although he would be careful since he didn't know what to expect from the enemy, he was the preditor and they were the prey...

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