Chapter 14: Warriors clash

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I DO NOT OWN DRAGON BALL Z! If I did, that would be pretty epic. Anywho here's chapter 14! (At least it's longer than the last chapter...)


Chapter 14: Warriors clash

Piccolo got into his fighting stance getting ready to fight Vegeta. His so called "predetor" was waiting for him to make a move first, so that he could observe.

"Come on clown, attack me!" Vegeta taunted.

Then Piccolo charged up his energy to save for later. After a few seconds he rushed towards Vegeta attempting to punch him, he dodged. Then Piccolo attempted to land a kick. Vegeta countered the kick and grabbed Piccolo's leg. He swung him around quickly in a circle and then threw him to the ground. A loud crash was then heard, Piccolo had been drilled into the ground, although he got up, only with a few bruises.

"Heh, nice try but it's going to take a lot more than that to take me out, predetor..." Piccolo said to Vegeta grinning.

 Vegeta then felt a shock go through his mind. He grew more enraged with the taunts he had just heard.

"This fool, who the hell does he think he's dealing with?" Vegeta thought.

"If your not going to make a move you may as well give up now." Piccolo taunted yet again.

"Ugh, your nothing but a cocky bastard..." Vegeta told Piccolo.

"Heh cocky? No just confident." Piccolo said grinning.

Then, at that moment, Vegeta lost his temper and went into a fit of rage...

"Ugh, I"LL FINSIH YOU!" Vegeta yelled.

Vegeta then charged up his energy and then got into a position to launch an attack. His face and body filled with rage, He was confident that the attack would finish Piccolo off for good...

"This is it... NOW DIE!!! GALICK GUN!!!" Vegeta said then launching his attack at Piccolo.

A purple energy beam soared at an amazing speed towards Piccolo. The beam moved at a great speed that was undodgeable... Then the beam struck Piccolo and he screamed in pain. A bright light then appeared and the sound of an explosion arose. After a minute or so the light dissapeared and Piccolo was reveled, beaten, burned and blood stained. He was puffing as well as Vegeta. Vegeta was then grinning at his foe, showing the sign that he had won.

"Ha, your a fool. You tried to defeat the predetor while you we're just mearly prey." Vegeta told him.

Piccolo was now laying on the ground, Vegeta walked over to Piccolo. He raised his foot and crushed Piccolo's ribs, they cracked, and Piccolo screamed in agoney. Blood was coughed up as Piccolo lyed helpless on the ground.

"It seems you were less of a challenge then I thought. Your nothing but a dissopointment, nothing more, nothing less. I'm going to leave you on the ground to die, you deserve nothing better." Vegeta told him walking away.

"Wait!" Piccolo managed to say.

"What is it? Some final thoughts before you die?" Vegeta asked.

"Ha n-no, just thought you might enjoy this..." Piccolo said.

Piccolo then fired an energy beam that cut Vegeta's face. The cut then started to show blood, then pain. Then Vegeta walked back towards Piccolo and crushed his ribs again. He then walked away, with nothing but his pride.


Back where Raditz was

The pain in Raditz's leg had grown worse then before. More blood had been shed and he was on the last inch of his life. He had been lying on the ground for hour's from the agonizing pain. He died within three hours of the attack on his leg...


Back where Goku, Krillin and Gohan were fighting

Gohan and Krillin were still fighting, although Krillin's injuries were holding him back from doing any damage to Gohan. He looked like he was about to pass out, while Gohan on the other hand was hardly damaged at all. He only had a few scratches but that was about it.

"Are you done yet? Or are you going to keep attempting to kill me? If you do keep attemping then your result will only be failure, nothing more, nothing less..." Gohan told Krillin.

"Ugh, I'm not going to quit. Not now..." Krillin told Gohan clenching his fist.

"Fine do as you will, but your going to die if you oppose me." Gohan warned him.

Gohan then rushed towards Krillin, but then, at an amazing speed, Goku then rushed in front of Krillin and stopped Gohan from attacking Krillin. Goku then grabbed Gohan's arm and shot him a glare.

"You tried to kill my friends. Gohan, you've changed. Now your nothing but a gruesome saiyan warrior with no memories of your family or friends." Goku told him.

"Grr, SO WHAT!?" Gohan asked in a fit of rage.

"You are my son. I- I've missed you from the time you were gone to where we stand now." Goku replied.

"SHUT UP! I don't care about my past, it's nothing compared to what I have now. I have power, pride and I am a warrior. You did nothing as a father." Gohan said pushing Goku away from him.

"Gohan, open your eyes! The saiyan's have treated like nothing but crap since you were taken away!" Krillin yelled to Gohan.

"Baldy, you don't know me. Your nothing compared to me. Now if you know what's good for you I would keep quiet." Gohan said giving Krillin a glare.

Krillin was about to speak but then didn't after Gohan gave him a glare. He thought it would be better for Goku to talk to Gohan after that.

"Gohan, you are coming back with us. I don't care what it takes." Goku told Gohan.

"You really are a terrible father aren't you? I mean really, you won't even let your own son follow his own path in life!" Gohan said angered.

"Grr, if this is what you call living your living in hell!" Goku said to Gohan also angered.

Then Gohan had a spark come through in his mind. He remembered his father, he remembered that he was kidnapped by the saiyans. All of his memories were back, but would he go with his father back to Earth?


 ShadowKai: Thank you all for the support for my Dragon ball z fanfiction! (The gruesome saiyan warrior)

Gohan: Why are you thanking them? They're only reading your book for entertainment, fool...

ShadowKai: I'm thanking them because they have been so supportive, it seems kind of ovious.

Gohan: Pft, that's stupid. Why wouldn't you do something more productive?

ShadowKai: Why aren't you doing anything productive?! All your doing is bickering about my fanfiction...

Gohan: There's nothing really better to do, plus I thought annoying you would be fun. Turns out it wasn't... Well I'm going to go train, bye.

ShadowKai: Saiyans, always training for something...

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