Chapter 18: The long lasting struggle

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I do not own Dragon ball z, this is only a fanfiction and I give all credit to Dragon ball z's rightful owner Akira Toriyama. This is the last chapter, aw I'm so sad :'( I really loved writing this fanfiction, I'm going to miss writing it, anyway here's the last chapter....


Chapter 18: The long lasting struggle

Vegeta's final attack was now charged up and ready to fire. It was at full power, and was going to launch at an incredible speed with as much power as it had. Goku still moulded to the ground felt pain worse than ever before, broken bones, cracked ribs along with blood stains around his entire body. He gritted his teeth in pain, at times he tried to scream but was couldn't speak, so that was imposible. He laid, the only gave a blank stare, his eyes were empty. He was close to being passed out and nearly half dead already, the fight was over, and evil had prevailed...

"So Kakarot, any final words before I kill you? If so speak..." Vegeta said with a wide grin.

Goku wanted to speak but couldn't, his vocal cords were shot, he couldn't speak no matter how hard he tried. He could sometimes manage to utter a word although it was unclear of what had been said. Vegeta's attack was getting ready to fire when suddenly two other energy beams were launched at Vegeta, he couldn't dodge and the two attacks managed to hit him.

"What the hell!?" Vegeta asked.

Vegeta then looked around to see where the two attacks came from, when he saw that both Gohan and Piccolo were grinning. They shot the attacks, the last of their energy. Both of the beams were launched at Vegeta's eye's. He screamed in pain and now he was filled with anger.

"Heh, I thought you would have saw that coming. I guess not." Piccolo said.

"Wait, I thought you two were dead on the ground!" Vegeta said with rage.

"Ha, you are one cocky bastard aren't you? You should have killed us right on the spot, but you had to be a fool and go after the one who was at full strength. Bad move, you should have went after the  weaklings, you are a damn fool..." Gohan said with an evil smirk.

He felt mocked, like nothing but a fool. His eye's were shot, he couldn't see anything no matter how hard he attempted to. Goku had to defeat him now or he would never get another chance.


Goku stood up, still shoken up from the attack before. He was going to charge up his energy, Vegeta heard what the others said and attempted to use his other senses to find Goku.

"Damn you KAKAROT!" Vegeta said firing energy blasts everywhere.

Vegeta's attacks had all missed his target, Goku, but his attacks did make the battle ground a slight bit more distructive. Rocks were now a lot looser than before and could crumble at anytime... Goku still charged up his kamehameha, he was at half power now and only needed about a minute to charge up the attack that was sure to harm or possibly kill Vegeta. But a few seconds after Goku charged his attack to half power Vegeta had regained his eyesight.

"Ugh, DAMN YOU!" Vegeta yelled rushing towards Goku.

Piccolo looked at Gohan with a glare and had an idea.

"We have to give Goku the rest of our energy..." Piccolo said.

Gohan just looked at him with a glare, he didn't like the idea of it.

"Why should I give MY energy to help YOUR friend?" Gohan asked.

"I don't like it anymore than you, I wanted Goku to be dead but now he's become my rival, and I want to be the one to kill him!" Piccolo yelled.

"Hm, I know how you feel. I want Vegeta dead too, not because he's my rival but because he's my teacher... Alright let's do it...." Gohan said to Piccolo.

Piccolo nodded, the two watched as Vegeta was heading closer and closer to Goku. They focused their energy and combined it together as one, then they sent it flying to Goku who had absorbed the energy. The kamehameha had grown larger in size, more powerful than before. Goku knew what he had to do.

"Ka-me-ha-me..." Goku muttered.

He then launched the attack as Vegeta was only very few feet away from him.

"HAAAAAA!!!" Goku yelled.

Goku had managed to yell through the pain of his damaged vocal cords. The kamehameha was launched, it headed towards Vegeta, both yelled but for different reasons. Goku yelled from the power givin to him and the hope he had witnessed. Vegeta yelled because of the pain so grand he had witnessed and felt for the first time. Gohan and Piccolo watched as Vegeta was burning and desinigrating as each second past. Gohan grinned happy thinking about Vegeta suffering in an eternal hell for the rest of his afterlife. Piccolo just stared thinking about how much stronger Goku was now and how he was going to beat him in the near future. Vegeta had been destroyed, his body desinigrated, he was now in the afterlife. The others celebrated, even Gohan. Gohan had agreed to go back to Earth with them, on the condition that he was allowed to train and fight the same as he did with Vegeta. Goku and Piccolo agreed. Then there was a beeping sound coming towards them, it was the spaceship and Bulma had come to pick them up and take them back to Earth, they would see their family and friends again.


The aftermath...

The four were reunited with their friends and family. Bulma stayed to visit with Master Roshi and Krillin for a bit to tell them all about their journey. Piccolo went to train in some kickass wastelands. (TeamFourStar reference) and Goku and Gohan went to find Chi chi at their house. She was relieved that Gohan was back home even though he didn't remember who she was... Goku explained to Gohan that she was his mother and they moved on with their lives. All of them continued training for the next fight willing to come. But all in all Gohan was back home and everyone was relieved...

                                                                                The End


The adventure is over, I'm kind of sad that my fanfiction has come to an end :'( but that leaves me to think of other fanfiction's I could write, so many possibility's :D Thank you all for reading The Gruesome Saiyan Warrior, I really appreciate all of the support you guys! :D

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