Chapter 15: The final fight! Part 1

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I do NOT own Dragon ball z! I always have to say this even though people should know this by now. Well here is chapter 15!


Chapter 15: The final fight! Part 1

Back where Piccolo and Vegeta fought

Piccolo was lying on the ground passed out from the fight. But Vegeta on the other hand was thinking about traveling to where Gohan was fighting.

"Hm, should I go to where Kakabrat is. Am I strong enough to kill him yet... What am I saying, I am the prince of all saiyans of course I can take out a low class warrior!" Vegeta thought to himself.

So Vegeta then decided to go after Gohan. He was confident that he was strong enough to take him, and the others out for good. It wasn't going to take him all that long though since he only went a few miles away from the others.


Back where the others were

Gohan had struck the memories of his father and that he had been kidnapped by the saiyans.

"I remember now! My father, I was kidnapped by the saiyans... Damn it!" Gohan thought.

Then Gohan started to witness a flashback of his past. He saw images of him being kidnapped, beaten and broken by the saiyans. And then he witnessed the good times he had with his father and mother. Training, relaxing, having fun, all of these memories were back as well as the bad memories...

"Damn it, I don't want to believe this crap! I hated my past and tried to forget it but now, you had to make me remember... You BASTARD!" Gohan yelled as he rushed towards his father crying.

Gohan clutched on to his father crying. Goku held him tightly as he cried with him as well.

"Gohan we'll get you home, and I promise you'll have a good life now, Better than this, better than the lives of a saiyan." Goku told him.

"Gr, I won't forgive you. But I will go back to Earth, for a better life than this." Gohan told him.

Goku and Krillin were relieved, Gohan was going to go home with them. But then...

"I finally found you idiots here. Having a family reunin, isn't that just fricking touching." Vegeta said.

Gohan, Goku and Krillin were in shock. And where was Piccolo? They didn't know the answer to that which made them worry.

"Vegeta, what the hell are you doing here?!" Gohan shouted.

"Heh, isn't it obvious? I'm here to kill all of you, even you Kakabrat..." Vegeta said with a grin.

Then Goku walked towards Vegeta frowning at his remark.

"I'm not going to let you kill any more people." Goku told Vegeta in a stern voice.

"Oh really? Try and stop me fool!" Vegeta yelled punching Goku dead in the face.

Goku flew back but quickly recovered from the blow. He was on his feet again and rushed towards Vegeta attempting to punch him multiple times. Vegeta dodged all of the attacks but then Goku launched a suprise kick that caused Vegeta to fly back, but he also quickly recovered.

"Well Kakarot it seems you have some power at least. But you'll never defe-..." Vegeta told Goku.

Vegeta got kicked in the back by Gohan and plumitted towards the ground at a high speed. He crashed into the ground and was bruised by the blow.

"Ha, try killing us now." Gohan mocked with a grin.

But then Vegeta got up from the attack.

"Not bad kid. But it's going to take more then that to kill me." Vegeta told him.

 Vegeta then charged up an energy beam, that was purple. But he noticed a flying disk coming towards him so he dodged just in time. Although Vegeta did get nicked on his right check.

"What the-" Vegeta said then looking around to find Krillin.

Krillin launched his attack called the destructo disk at Vegeta. Although he hoped it would do more damage than it actually just did.

"Ugh, I"LL FINISH YOU!" Vegeta said charging up his attack yet again.

Goku then saw Vegeta who was about to launch his attack at Krillin. Goku quickly got in front of Krillin and charged up and attack. He was going to launch his Kamehameha attack at Vegeta.

"You fool! Get out of the way!" Gohan yelled pointing at Krillin.

Krillin followed his orders and got out of the way.

"Ka-me-ha-me-HA!!!" Goku yelled launching his attack.

"Galick GUN!!!" Vegeta yelled launching his attack at the same moment.

"GET DOWN!" Gohan yelled grabbing Krillin.

The two attacks were now launched, they colided with each other. Both of them put an effort into their attacks but clearly they needed more energy to hit the other with their attack... They struggled as the attacks were both at the same power. Gohan and Krillin watched, there wasn't much they could do now without getting in the way, injured or even killed...


 ShadowKai: Looks like the final showdown is finally taking place.

Krillin: I know, holy crap! Why is everyone so powerful?

ShadowKai: It's because they've convinced you that your weak... Possibly?

Krillin: ....

ShadowKai: I'm just kidding Krillin you're awesome. Anyway thanks for reading up until this point! Soon my fanfiction will be completed :)

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