The Dragon Sanctuary and The Dragon King

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Hey guys i know i haven't been making chapters in a long time because I've been watching Naruto shows and movie of it and I've been playing video games too and my boyfriend

So if u want more chapters you have to bug me to make more ok

Now here's the chapter
The Dragon Sanctuary and The Dragon King

Chapter 5

The sun rosed up and all the other dragons woke up. StormCutter woke up too. Hiccup woke up and StormCutter looked down at him and Hiccup started to look at him Stormcutter smiled at him.

"Okay it's time to go to the king" said Stormcutter. Stormcutter picked up the little Hiccup. Flew off to the king.

( At the King place)

"Your Majesty I have brung a human child" said Stormcutter. "Why did you brung a human child here Stormcutter" said The King.

"Well we were raiding some village and i saw him in bed sick so he was gonna die soon so i brung him to you" said StormCutter.

"Oh I see then I'll cure his sickness but there will little side affectes to him he'll have some of our dragon powers. Like the eyes and strength and able to talk to us" said The king.

"Yes your Majesty" said StormCutter.

The King nodded and started to work on the cure. Hiccup started to feel better and feel the dragon powers in him but during conversation with the king and StormCutter he didnt understand but he wanted to know whats going on.

( while later )

"Wow I'm all better and little stronger" thought Hiccup. "Yes you better because I cured you so we all dragons are gonna teach you how to train you small powers" said the King.

" Who said that" said Hiccup. Looking around that who was talking. "I did and I think you better turn around that I can face you when your talking" said the King. Hiccup turned around and gasped at the king because he was huge. Hiccup was walked back slowly and tripped on he's own feet. " How can I understand you" said Hiccup

" I will explain to you everything so sit down and listen and you'll understand" said the King. "okay" said Hiccup. Hiccup sat down and face the King and started listening to him.

"Well it started when Stormcutter came here with you when you were sick. Stormcutter explain why he took you but took me a min to understand but I accepted you here. While after that i cured your sick so you have side effects of a dragon and those effects are eyes, strength and talk to us like dragon and we'll train you with those powers" said The King. "So you have any question to ask me" said The King again.

"Um yea when am I able to go home" said Hiccup. " Sorry you cant go home until you your old enough to leave this place but when you get older you might not remember your home but right now this will be your home" said The King.

Hiccup frowns that he can't go home. "So who am I gonna stay with" Hiccup said.

" you are gonna stay with Stormcutter that brought you here and I'll call him down for you" said The King. The king called down Stormcutter. Stormcutter came down and bow down to the king. "Yes your Majesty" said Stormcutter. "Yes this child here will stay with you and I forgot one thing to you child I'm gonna send you a trainer to you and he's gonna be your friend to" said The King. " oh one thing i have a name and my name is Hiccup and thank you for curing me and stuff" Hiccup said to the king.

The king nod. "You may leave now and before you Stormcutter. You can teach him how to controls Hiccup's power if you want to" The king said to Stormcutter. "Yes your Majesty" said Stormcutter.

The King nodded again. Then Stormcutter and Hiccup started to leave. "So your names Hiccup am i right" Stormcutter said to Hiccup. "Yes it is and do you mind that I can call you Cloud Jumper than Stormcutter" Hiccup said to StormCutter. "Sure I dont mind that you can call me that and we are here" said Stormcutter. They made to Cloud Jumper's little room that's where they can stay.

"Well soon you'll meet your trainer or friend I don't know yet. So you can explore around if you want to ok but don't get lost all right" said Cloud Jumper " I hope I won't get lost but I might get friends so cya" said Hiccup. Cloud Jumper nodded. Hiccup left to explore around.

And yea Hiccup is cured and what kind of friend is he gonna meet.

Well that's gonna be it for today. If you guys want me to make more you have to bug me because if you dont i'll for get to make more so don't forget

So see you soon
Bye ☺

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