They Know

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Hey guys I'm feeling a little better bit I'm still sad that my grandpa passed away.

I wanted to say thank you for thw votes and comments about my grandpa it kinda helped me a little. We are going do a funeral soon but I don't when or what day.

So today this is a chapter nothing about notes.

Enjoy the chapter


He put his hands on his helmet and slowly pushed his helmet off. Astrid started to see auburn hair. Now finally the hemlet is off. Hiccup put his head up and open his green eyes to let Astrid to see his face.

Astrid looked at him with wide eyes. She saw auburn Brown hair and green eyes a small cut in his chin.

Astrid couldn't stop looking at him. All the sudden she had tears in her eyes.

"Hiccup is that you" Astrid said to Hiccup

Hiccup gave a loud gasp with wide eyes

Recap ends

"H-hhhoooow d-dd-ii-dd y-o-u kkknnnooow mmy nnnaaammmee" Hiccup said with curiosity.

Astrid fall to her knees crying. "I thought you were dead all this time but i was wrong you were right in front of me this whole time" Astrid said between her cries.

Hiccup sat there watching Astrid crying over him and waiting for her to answer the question how she knows his name.

Finally astrid got hold of her self from crying. She looked up at him with her red eyes.

"I know your name because me and you are best friends long time ago how could you not remember me" Astrid told him.

Hiccup turned around to face Toothless but not her. "IImm ssorry I lloosstt mmmyyy meemmoorry wwwhheenn I wwaass llliivviinng wwwiiitthh ttthhheee ddrraaggoon kkiinng wwiitthh aalll ddrraaggoonns beeffoorree I ggoott mmmiinndd ccoonntrrooolled bbbyyy tthhee qqquueenn" Hiccup told.

Astrid heard what he said she became more sad.

"It's okay Hiccup I'll help you with your memories and when I'm helping you. You really need to work on your speaking more or people won't understand you" Astrid walked up to him with her hand out.

Hiccup turned to face her to see her hand out. "So do we have a deal" She said. Hiccup looked at her hand. "Dddeeaall" he shook her hand.

"Alright I'll be back in a week you better have your speaking good without your stuttering" Astrid started to walk away.

Hiccup watched her walk away. "How am I going to practice my speaking problem" he thought.

"Hey Hiccup I think your little girlfriend left you the books for your practice" Toothless said as he bring the bag of books to him.

Hiccup has blush face on. "She's not my girlfriend" Hiccup said as he grabbed the bag of books. "Then why your face is all red" Toothless questioned. "My face is not all red its kinda anger of what you said" Hiccup said. "What ever you say I'm going to take a nap over there and don't read so loud" Toothles said walking away to a spot to take a nap.

"Fine!" Hiccup yelled at Toothless. Hiccup took out a book and started to work on his speaking.

A week later
With the twins snoutlout and fish legs

"Come this is our time to spy on Astrid" Snoutlout told his friends.

"Alright we are coming" the twins told him.

Hiccup and Astrid's life "Hiccstrid"Where stories live. Discover now