The Meet of the dragon Boy

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Hey everyone I know I haven't updated close to 3 or 5 months its because of school I have a lot of homework I need to finish and this is my last year of school and I really need to graduate so I'm really going to be busy I hope you understand.

But don't worry I'll still update this story its not like I'm going to quit on it lol.

Oh one more thing before I start this chapter. I'm a anime person so if you go to my reading list you'll see some Sasusaku books or naruto. But one thing I really hate about is mericup as in merida and hiccup I just don't really like them together I'm sorry who's ever out there that likes mericup and Hiccup is already with Astrid but I dont why people still ship mericup.

I do like jelsa as in else and jack. I do video game shipping to.

Happy New year's (2018)

Okay I'm talking to much so lets get to the story

Enjoy 😄

- The Cove -

-Astrid POV-

When I hit the dragon boy and his Nightfury I don't know where they landed. I keep on scratching out my book of where they are not at.

I got frustrated I hit the three branch and the tree branch almost hit me so I ducked. When I look up all the tree got huge scratching on it. I walk down the hill I saw the Nightfury. I duck down to calm down my breathing.

I look back up and look at it again it was unconscious. I got up to see up closer and when I look around the black Nightfury but I don't see the dragon boy. I try look for him but I don't see him he must escape somewhere to get his dragon friends for help.

I finally got the Nightfury down and I'm ready to kill it. I grab out my knife I raise my arm up. All of sudden I saw the Nightfury eyes open and look strait at me. When I look at his eyes begging not to kill him.

I started to guilty and I saw the Nightfury groan and closed his eye laid his head down. I put my hands down and start to walk away. I stop for a min and think. I turn around and started to cut the rope.

-No one's POV-

When Astrid cut all the ropes. The Nightfury open his eyes and let go of the dragon boy. He jump on Astrid and started to growl at her. Astrid is breathing heavily. Her eyes moved to the dragon boy. "He was under the Nightfury all along and unconscious too" Astrid thought.

The Nightfury looked at her for while and roar at her. Then took off with the dragon boy.

Astrid got up shakely started to walk for back to her village. When she made it back to her village it was morning so she went to her house and went to bed. "Tomarrow I'll look for them again" Astrid thought.

-At the cove-

Toothless fell down in a cove with Hiccup with him. Lucky he kept Hiccup safe with him without getting hurt.

He put down Hiccup carefully. Walk around Hiccup he moved his head to Hiccup's head and push his to wake him up but it didn't work. Toothless lay down next to him and went to sleep to see if Hiccup will wake up later.

-while later in the after noon-

Hiccup groan and open his eyes and sat up looked around to see where he was. Luckily Toothless was next to him and sleeping too.

Hiccup just remember he got shot down but was wondering why he wasn't in ropes. "Hey Toothless wake up" Hiccup started to shake Toothless.

"Ok ok I'm up Hiccup" Toothless just woke up.

"When did we get to a cove I thought we were shot down" Hiccup told Toothless.

"We were shot down but a female hunter came to us but I thought she was going to kill us but she didnt. She the ropes after that I jumped on her roared at her and then grabbed you flew away. There's something wrong with my flying because I fell in here and I can't fly out" Toothless explained to him.

"What! What do you mean you can't fly out" Hiccup almost yell.

"I can't because something wrong with my tail" Toothless told him again.

Hiccup got up and walk to Toothless tail. Toothless's tail at the end is missing half small wing.

"I guess we are stuck here for a while until we find a way out" Hiccup told Toothless.

"Hey at least we are not being controlled by the queen so we are free" Toothless said Happily.

When Hiccup heard what he said they both started to cheer but after that their stomach growled.

"Um you know to fish Toothless" Hiccup asked Toothless.

"No do you?" Toothless responded to him.

"No me neither we weren't both taught how to catch a fish" Hiccup said.

"We were taught how to fight not even at the nest" Toothless said.

"How about we try to catch fish together" Hiccup ask Toothless.

"Not a bad idea lets do it" Toothless answer to Hiccup.

They walk to the pond and saw some fish. They slowly walk up to the fish and finally they jump to catch the fish. When they got up for air they got nothing in their hands or mouth. They did it again and got nothing still. With so many tries they didn't catch a fish. So they gave up.

They got out of the water Hiccup clothes got wet so he only took off his armor but not his shirt or pants and he took off his helmet to breath. Hiccup put his wet armor on a branch to dry. Hiccup went to get some branches to start a fire because its almost dark.

He put the branches down in a pile and Toothless set it on fire. Him and Toothless sat next to the fire together.
Soon after that they fell asleep.

-Next morning-
With Astrid

Astrid woke up and got ready. "Astrid honey your breakfast is on the table and I'll be out for awhile so you have the house to your self today" Astrid's mom yelled from down stairs. "Ok I'll be down soon" Astrid tell back. She heard her mom left the house.

Well durning from last night she didn't tell anybody about the boy and the Nightfury that she shot down few days ago. Astrid went out of her room and went down stairs are her breakfast left the house quickly.

She went to woods to look for the Nightfury and the dragon boy. When she got further in the woods. She made it to her favorite place well mostly her best friend secret place. A bunch of memories went to her mind but she kinda smile. She shoke her to get the memories a while and look the Nightfury.

She look in the cove she finally saw the Nightfury, she rubbed her eyes more to get a closer look she saw the dragon boy turn away from. She only saw auburn hair sleeping. She started to move closer tiny rocks fell and woke up the Nightfury. The Nightfury look at her growled at her and wraped his tail around the boy.

Astrid backed up a little. Astrid heard a groan from the boy and started to growl like a dragon. The Nightfury woke up the boy and growl at the boy like its speaking to him. The boy got up quickly and put his helmet on. Astrid really wanted to see his face.

The boy turned around and looked at her did his fighting stance. Astrid took her chance to get out and to get back home before the Nightfury to start firing at her.

When she got home started to think if she would try to bond with the Nightfury and the boy. "If I want to bond with I'll start with two fish to feed them. When I look at them they were really hungry so tomorrow I'll see them again but with food" Astrid thought.

Ok this it for the chapter
I hope you like this one

I hope you have a great Happy New Year's of 2018

So see you later.


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