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Omg look at hiccup the pic above that him so far in this story just image him with some armor on and his helmet.

Hey what's up everybody I'm so excited today that I'm finally graduated from high school and I'm free I can write stories ever I want to. This time I'll update more I hope less than 3 months.

I'm going to miss all my friends. My dad said you'll get more new at your job or somewhere else oh well.

Well I'm talking to much so get on with the chapter.


- Hiccup's POV-

I woke up by Toothless with strange cloth on me. I sat up and look around if the strange girl was around but i don't see her. I took off my helmet to breathe. Finally open his eyes to look at me if I was ok.

"Don't worry bud I'm okay" I spoke in dragon.

Toothless got up and I stand up along with him. "What should we do about my tail hiccup I can't fly out of here"Toothless told me. I looked at him and I sat on the ground again. I put my claw glove on my face.

Then all of the sudden I thought of something. "Hey I can always build a fake fin on your tail maybe you can fly again" I told Toothless.

Toothless walk towards me when I'm sitting down. "That's good hiccup but if i fly again but would we get controled by the queen again we are finally free" Toothless said. I got up walk towards Toothless to get into my bag with bunch of blacksmith pictures even though I can't read well I just look at the images.

Then I light footsteps coming in the cove i quickly put my helmet back on and put my black Smith back in the bag. Me and Toothless started to growl at the person that who's coming.

We finally saw the blonde girl with the axe came into our view holding some paper with writing that I don't understand.

Me and Toothless finally calm down but still have our gaurds up because we don't fully trust her. She finally walked in front of us and dropped her things. "Okay today I'm going to teach you how to read" the blonde girl told me. I looked at her through my mask.

"But first I haven't introduce I'm self properly my name is Astrid" Astrid introduce herself to me."hmm I wish I knew your name but you can't tell me right now I'll call you dragon boy for now." She spoke again.

I started to pick up the papers that she drop. I open it more to see what it looks like then toothless came behind me to see it. All I see is bunch of writing but maybe she can teach me how to read and speak their language.

Astrid picked another paper with writing on it. "Alright lets start with this one that has animals and plants on and the ABC alphabet." She told me and even showing me the pictures.

She put up a letter. "Okay this one is the Letter A as in Apple" she said

"Hmmm their first letter is A as in Apple what is an Apple" I thought

Finally Astrid showed me the picture of an Apple.

"Oh that's what a Apple looks like, it looks delicious" I thought

While I kept staring at picture of the Apple. "I bet you want to try an Apple don't you" Astrid asked.

I looked at her and I nodded my head for yes because I want to try the apple instead of eating fish all the time.

"Hmm looks like you do understand me but your lucky I have some Apple's my mom gave me somr before I felt my house" Astrid told while brought out some apple's. Some are different colors wondering what the colors are called.

"Okay these ones right here are the red are the darker color but these three are green yellow and dark color of green." She spokr to me and pointed at all of them.

"I took the red one because it looks more good then the other colors" I thought

Then toothless took one in his mouth and took a bite but then again he spit it back out as in he doesn't like it.

"Looks like dragons doesn't like Apple's" said astrid while she's laughing.

I turned around because I don't want her to look at me.
I lift up my helmet little bit so I can eat.

I took a bite out the Apple then my mind went blown because this Apple is very good. I finish my Apple I threw the core away because I don't care for it. I put my helmet back down and I turned around to face her to finishing my learning of reading.

Few hours of learning of the abc

Astrid put up the last letter of the alphbet. "Okay this the last letter and its the letter z as in zoo" Astrid told me.

"Okay the last letter is z I need to remember that" I thought.

I saw Astrid stand up am to gather up all her things. "Well it looks like time for me to go the sun is almost down and my parents might be worried about me but I'll see you next time with more lessons." Astrid said to us.

I crawl towards toothless is where he's sleep when he got bored of watching me learn.

As I watch her leave the cove me and her kinda got along with the learning time.

As I was thinking of her I didn't know I fell asleep on toothless.

I guess I have to go to her village to build toothless a tail fin for him to fly and to get us out of here.

I'm sorry if this is too short update I've been lately with out of school I'm trying to find a job to get money and find my own place soon

I graduated a month ago so now I hope I'll update more less than three months

So um see you next time

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