memories and the dragon queen

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Hey what's up I went to my grandpa's funeral yesterday and today wondering why two days we had to make a day to plant a tree to remember him.

I'm doing fine I can handle with my grandpa I do have a lot of family members so I have more than one grandma and grandpa.

So enjoy this new chapter.

With Hiccup
Flash back

"Where am i, am I dreaming" the real Hiccup thought. He looks around that is all white around him. Then he saw his younger self and a younger blonde girl running up to his younger self. "Are these images is my memories" Hiccup spoke.

"Come on Hiccup we need to go our secret cove" the little Astrid told the little Hiccup.

The little hiccup smiled at her. "Okay then let's go looks like you love that place that you found" the little Hiccup said.

"Yes I do Hiccup but remember we are best friends don't forget that" the little Astrid told the little Hiccup.

"Huh best friends wait did Astrid told me we are best friends" Hiccup thought. Another image in mind came up. The older Astrid popped up. "Hiccup how could you forget me we are best friends" She said.

Hiccup eyes went wide and has tears in his eyes. " I remember now me and her out best friends" he falls to his knees crying. "I need to change that because in starting to fall in love with her so I need to get my act up" Hiccup got up on his knees to see his younger self amd younger Astrid running into the woods to the cove.

Then the image went blank. "Hey I need to see more please" Hiccup said.

Another image pop up with two older people. One is a women and another is a man standing outside by their front door waiting for someone.

"Who are those two two well I know one for sure" Hiccup said.

"Come on Hiccup you need to say goodbye to your friends" the lady said.

"Okay mom I'll say goodbye to my friends" the little Hiccup said.

"What! Those two people are my parents then this island I've been raiding is my home" Hiccup said with a shock face.

Hiccup saw the young hiccup ran up to his parents to walk inside.

The image went blank again. Went back on. Hiccup saw through all his memories when he got sick and got tooken bye a dragon as in cloud jumper.

"Now I know all my memories and it's time for me to wake up" Hiccup said.

Flash back ends

Hiccup woke with groan. He open his blurry eye's and he rubbed his eyes to see. He felt a pain back of his head. "Man Snoutlout hit me hard to knock me out" Hiccup thought ( N/A: Hiccup remembers thr gang that's why he said Snoutlout)

Then saw himself in a jail cell with cuff on his wrist with chains all the way to the wall. "So they think they can keep me here I could have told them I have powers of a dragon" Hiccup thought again. Hiccup heated up his hands to melt the hand cuffs around his wrist they fell off. "Ah that's much better now for the cell bars" Hiccup said.

He walked up to the bars to melt the bars then he kicked the bars he walked out of the cell. "Now time to sniff out Astrid" He escaped the dungeons. He walked outside that is dark out. He sniffed the air for Astrid.

He smelled the air of pine trees "Ah there she is" he said. (N/A: I said pine tress because she has been going to woods A lot I'm sure there's pine trees every where)

Hiccup and Astrid's life "Hiccstrid"Where stories live. Discover now