|| Chapter 1 ||

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You walked down the street, the beat of your trouser chain hitting against your leg in rhythm to your worn Converse stepping on the cracked, concrete path. You was walking with your head down, but you knew exactly where you were going. Home. That awful place where your drunken Dad beat your depressed Mom daily. All you ever did was hide up in your room listening to music. 'Nearly home' you mumbled to yourself as you had a quick glance up to look at your surroundings. As soon as you looked back to the floor, you walked straight into a pole. You looked up angrily at the pole, cursing to yourself as you did so. Oh.

You didn't walk into a pole. Oh no. You walked into a boy. He was around your age, with pale skin, black, shoulder length hair and beautiful hazel eyes. 'Oh, erm, I'm sorry...' you stuttered, looking to your feet in embarrassment. 'It's okay' the boy said, 'I'm just hoping your not hurt?' he asked, you looked up to see his hazel eyes sweeping over your face and body to see if there were any minor injuries. 'no no' you replied, 'I'm fine...' even with this little attention from a boy, your cheeks still managed to burn a slight shade of pink.

'My name is Gerard' he said, holding out his hand to be shook, you took it, and shook weakly. 'My name's (y/n)' you replied, still slowly shaking his hand. He had such rough skin, but it felt nice.

Gerard looked at you oddly, realising that you were still shaking his hand, you quickly released your grip and wiped your hands on your jeans. 'sorry...' you said, you could feel your pink cheeks slowly creeping crimson. Gerard laughed awkwardly, 'uh, its fine...' he said, 'but I'm pretty sure we have places to be...?' you looked up at Gerard, wide-eyed at his statement, 'oh, yes sorry, uhm, bye' you said and hurried past him, quickly walking in the direction of home.

'Bye (y/n)' you heard Gerard say behind you.

(A/N): Hey guys its Kayla here! this is my first fanfic so dont murder me *hides behind chair* but uhm yeah, sorry this chapter was so short, but ill add chapters together to make them longer and more worth while, hope you like it ~ Kayla Way

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