Chapter 29

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Chapter 29;

5 complete months, I have been without my dad, my friends, and my Justin. I miss him, like crazy, I can't believe I left him the way, I did. I can't believe I couldn't stay long enough to be with him on his birthday! He wan't there for my birthday, or for the 4th of July! I wanted shoot off fireworks with him. I wanted to cuddle with him, on a blanket in the grass, watching the fireworks, but no Mo planned for me to do other shit. Good news! I'm going back to Atlanta, today!! I am so excited! I'm gonna surprise Justin, at his concert. I'm gonna be the "One Less Lonely Girl." I smiled, as I set my last bag into the taxi. I plugged my beats into my ears, and laid my head against the leather seat, of the Atlanta taxi. I smiled, amd sang softly with the song by Justin.

"Hey Daddy." I said, setting my last bag in the living room. He hugged me tightly.

"Hello, princess. It's been a disaster, with you! Niyad, and Usher, have gone crazy, and don't get me started on Justin." I giggled.

"Speaking of him, what time should I 'roll' up to the concert, in my baby. You do stil have Maci, right?" I asked, and he nodded, I smile. I heard screaming, and ran up the stairs. I ran to Usher and Niyad's room.

"What are you doing?" I questioned, and Niyad, stop crying, and the both ran to me.

"Brooke!" They yelled, and I smiled.

"Hey boys." I said, kissing their heads.

"I missed you boys!" I said, and hugged them, back as they tackled me. They let me go, and I smiled.

"Does that mean your cooking instead of dad?" Usher asked, and I nodded.

"Thank you Jeasus." He whispered, and I giggled. I got up, and smiled.

"You boys hunry now?" They nodded rapidly, and I smiled. I ran down the stairs, and my dad was on his way out the door.

"Going to Justin's concert, be there about 7." I nodded, and walked over kissing his cheek.

"See you in few hours." He smiled, his award winning smile. I walked into the kitchen, and looked into the fedge.

"How about chicken alfredo?" I asked, and they nodded rapidly.

"Are you boys going to the concert?" I questioned.

"No, the babysitter, is here." He said, as the door opened. I raised my eyebrows at him. A girl walked into view, I didn't know her.

"Hey Usher, Niyad." She smiled, the gum in her mouth popping, and sticking to her teeth. I now remember her.

Chassidy Taylors

Most popular girl at Eastwood High.

They hugged onto my legs, as I cooked. She had her head down stearing at her phone. She had on sophies, and a tank top. The chicken was done.

"Usher, Niyad. What to drink?" Her attention turned to me, and she smiled.

"Brooklynn Raymond!" She epped, excitedly.

"Hello." I smiled.

"Oh how I want to be in your shoes." She gushed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Your so beautiful! Plus, your dating Bieber!" I smiled.

"Careful what you wish for honey." I whispered, as I made the boys their plates. I ate quickly.

"Help yourself..." I said trailling off, acting like I didn't know her name.

"Chassidy." She replied, and I smiled.

"Well. help yourself." She smiled, and started eating.

I sighed, as I straightened my hair. I can't wait to see Justin. I smiled, seeing his face, his smile, his eyes. I can't wait to see my baby. I finished my hair, and looked at my outfit. I walked down the stairs, and Chassidy smiled at me.

"I love your outfit." I smiled.

"When I get home, I'll go through my closet, and see what I don't want, and you can have." She smiled, and eeped.

"Well, I'm off. Usher, Niyad, behave." I said, and kissed their heads. I grabbed the keys, and headed out to my car. I smiled as she came into view. I unlocked her, and got in.

"I missed you Maci." I whispered, and giggled to myself. I climbed in and started the engine. Still sounded amazing. I opened the garage door, and smiled. I left the driveway, and sped down the road. I turned on my radio, and Turn on the Lights, played through my speakers. I smiled, danced slightly with it. I rolled up to the arena. Carin was waiting for me. I smiled.

"Hey Carin." I said, and she hugged me.

"Leggo." I giggled, and followed her. She passed me off to Kenny as Justin walked by, and he stood in front, hiding me. I giggled, and Justin's head snapped into the direction, and saw Kenny. He smiled, the sweat pouring off of him. I smiled, and Kenny turned hugging me.

"I missed you." I smiled, and Pattie ran over, wrapping her arms around me. I smiled, Justin's door opened, and Kenny got in front of me, and Justin smiled at him. I smiled, and Justin got out of view. I alked over to the couch, and sat down. I heard the beat for One Less Lonely Girl. I smiled, and Carin grabbed my arm. We walked up behind the thing, as the song went on, and finaly Jarrid came out. His eyes went wide, and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled, and followed him to the stool. Once I came into view the girls screamed, and shouted.I giggled. and I watched, and blew kisses. Finally Justin looked over, and his eyes went wide.


I turned to see who was on stool, and my eyes went wide. Then I saw her beauty. The long brown hair, flowed down her back, her supras' perched on the stool bars. Her chocolate eyes stared at me, and the sparkled in the lights, and her smile was still brighter then the sun. I didn't know what to say, what to do. I smiled, and walked down the steps, and grabbed the roses. I watched her, walking across the stage. Her eyes followed me, and she smiled, annd laughed when my hand touched her overly soft skin. She started singing with me. Her smile grew as the roses laid in her lap. I look towards Usher, and he nodded. I smiled, and looked at Brooke as the song ended. She stood, and my arms wrapped around her waist.

"I missed you so much Princess." Everyone heard it cause it was over the mic.

"I missed you too boo." She whispered, I could hear the relieve, and tears in her words. I pulled away, but held her close.

"Kiss!" The crowd repeatedly yelled. I smiled, and leaned in. She stood on her toes, placing her lips on mine.

Her arms snaked around my neck, and everyone started clapping. I pulled away.

"I love you Brooke." I whispered, and she giggled, placing a sweet peck on my lips.

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