Teen Nick Awards. No Justin. :(

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Chapter 21;

Teen Nick Awards.

No Justin. :(

-Brooke's P.O.V-

Tonight, is the Teen Nick Awards. Will Smith, and I are hosting it. I'm so excited. I can't wait, to see everyone, except the person that means the most to me. My daddy. Ha! Just playing, My Boo. My Justin. He's on his way to Canada right now. I'm happy for him, but I wish he could be here to support me, but it's kind of, whatever. I sighed, as I slumped into the leather couch, of my suite, here in the hotel, with Monique. I turned my head to Mo, who was texting on her phone. I groaned, trying to get her attention, which didn't work, her eyes never left the screen of her iphone. I exhaled, and my eyes turned to slits, as I glared at her, all comfy in the leather chair, her legs tucked under her, her hair in a high ponytail, wearing shorts, and a baggy shirt. I grabbed the closest thing to me, which happened to be fingernail polish, because I was just painting my toenails, silver. I flung it, hitting her right in the forehead. My eyes went wide, as hers traveled slowly from the phone screen, to me, turning into slits, on the way. I gulped, and waved innocently, grabbing my black krackle fingernail polish, opening it.

"Brooklynn Marie Raymond." She hissed, obviously pissed. I giggled under my breath, then looked up, just in time to see a fingernail polish, being flung at my face. I moved just in time, to see it fly right past me, and collide with the beige colored wall. I giggled, and stuck my tongue out at her, causing her to glare at me once more. I shook my head, and went back to my toe nails. Monique turned on the TV, to get rid of the silence that rested gently in the air around us. I again hear the annoying voice of Abigal, the girl from Gossip.

"Bieber going home, back to Canada, but without Brooke, who will be in California, for the Teen Nick Awards, hosting along side Will Smith." I sighed, why am I always on this damn thing? Oh that's right. I'm Usher's Hidden Princess, well, now I'm exposed, and I have been seen with The Justin Bieber, American Teen Heartthrob. I sighed, and turned my head slowly to Mo.

"Really Mo? Change it." I demanded, I don't want to hear them talking about me, or Justin. She sighed, and did as I told, going to SWRV. New Boyz blasted through. I smiled, and continued painting my toes. I stuck out my tongue, trying to concentrate on what I was doing, so I wouldn't fuck it up. The small smirk, appeared on my face, as I finished. I watched as it slowly cracked, until my phone started blaring Pretty Boy Swag, which is my new Text Message ring-tone. I turned my attention to the ringing, and vibrating phone on the glass coffee table. I sighed, and slammed my hand onto it, roughly gripping it, dragging it off of the table. I swear to god if it's from that damn Unknown Number, I'm going to scream. They keep texting me, and it gets even more sexual with every text. It's gross, disturbing, and it's starting to scare me. This person, is like my own stalker.

New Message

Received: 12:22 P.M

Unknown Number

I can't wait to feel you baby, be ready for me.(;

I'm coming for you.

I groaned, and slammed my messy bun, onto the soft, plush pillow on the couch.

"Mo, we need to find out, who the hell this Unknown Number person is." I whined, as my attention turned to her. She set her phone in her lap.

"Brooke Bear, if it's bothering you that much, change your number, or get the cops involved." She said, trying to be soothing but to me, that sounded bitchy, and uncalled for. I'm not stupid, but I don't need to get the cops involved if it's just simple text message, and you know how many different fucking people, I have in my damn phone. Way to many to get a new number. I sighed and turned my attention back to my phone. I deleted the message, and tossed it to the farther end of the couch. I stood up, and stretched, arching my back, placing my palms on the cool leather, yes, that means I'm kind of doing a back bend, but not quite. I pushed myself up, standing tall, only to go back to slouching. I rose my gaze to the TV where Justin's music video, 'That Should Be Me', played. I smiled, and started mouthing the words, and doing little dance moves. Acting as if, I was a groupie, and not his girlfriend. I stopped instantly when I heard the sound of a camera go off, and quickly turned to Mo, who sat there, laughing and holding her phone up, obviously taking pictures. I groaned, and flipped her off, before trudging my way back to my room, plopping onto my bed, cuddling into the pillows, and blankets

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