Chapter 7

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Lexie's POV

The class continue to ask questions to Mr.Mckay. I tune out after some girl ask him if he would date a student.

For real. I know he is attractive. Even I feel nervous around him but not to even ask that stupid question.

I stare out at the window and check my watch to see what it is. Five more minutes till we leave.

It has been a good day..except for the whole "Hot Teacher" thing.

The bell rang and I gather my stuff.

"We will pass out textbooks tomorrow. Have a good afternoon!!", Coach Mckay say.

I walk as quickly as I could to get out of there. I walk past him and felt my heart speed up. This isn't good..

Skylar's POV

Lexie walk past me quickly. Her perfume lingering around my classroom. Vanilla combine with strawberries.


I forgot to tell her I am living in her house. But I think is better because it would have been ackward for her if everyone heard.

I walk to my desk gathering my bookbag and other stuff. Since it was the first day of school there wasn't anything to grade.

I walk out and into the halls. It was quiet and vacant. I continue to walk out to the parking lot and got inside my car, a black jeep.

I turn it on and pull out of the parking lot towards the Robinson's house. It wasn't a long drive. The house was out of town but not too far.

I soon got there. Zach's car wasn't there. Julie's was there and so was a black jeep. Woah! The same model and color as mine.

It was identical. I park and got out. I walk to the door and got the keys Zach gave me yesterday. I unlock it and walk in. It smell delicious.

I walk inside and went up to my room. I heard a knock on the door. I walk to the door and opened it. A lady around her fifties was there.

"Good afternoon, I just came to tell you that supper would be serve in five minutes. My name is Alicia but everybody calls me Granny Ali", the short lady say.

"Thank you Mrs. Alicia", I say.

"Call me Granny Ali, son", she say with a warm smile.

"Alright Granny Ali", I say returning the smile.

Granny Ali and me started walking down the hallway and downstairs.

Zach and Julie were already siting and waiting at the table.

"Good afternoon!", I say as I came closer to the table.

"Good afternoon!!", Julie and Zach say in unison.

"You can take a seat here Skylar", motioned to a seat beside him.

"Thank you, Zach", I say as I took a seat.

"Where's Lexie?", Zach ask Julie.

"The girl is coming!!", I heard Granny Ali from the kitchen.

I smile. It remind of my childhood when my grandma Denise would yell from the kitchen when I was at her house.

Now days, my mom doesn't talk much to Grandma Denise because she supported me into leaving. She is the only person that knows my reasons for leaving.

"Am coming mom and dad!!", a cheerful voice interrupts my thoughts.

I turned my head towards the stairs and see Lexie walking. She is fixing her hair and is looking down.

"Am here mom and dad. No need to worry", she says still looking down.

"Say hi, Lexie. Don't be rude!", Julie says in a teasing tone.

Lexie's head snaps up immeadiately and her eyes meet mine. Again it's like we teleport to another world.

*No McKay!!! Don't do this!!* my mind is screaming, but Lexie's eyes are enchanting.... And I feel myself fall.


So what do you think are Skylar's reasons for leaving everything behind?




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