Chapter 21

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Lexie's POV

We had a nice time for the rest of the night. The relativea that came from out of the state stay the night.

Skylar and I didn't sleep much because there were other people in the floor. The last days of November soon ended and I found myself planning things for Christmas. And my birthday.

Which is December 6. A friday. My mom is all crazy saying how fast I have grown up.

Skylar seem to be happy but every time I remind him I be 18 soon he says "Eighteen is a big time. You have to start planning for college and what you want to do for the rest of your life".

The days seem to pass faster and soon I woke up to singing in my room.

I open my eyes to see Granny Ali, mom, dad, Rose, Erica, Eric and Skylar around my bed. Granny Ali is holding a chocolate cake with candles on it. I smile and then laugh.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lexie, happy birthday to you!!!", they sing.

"Blow the candles and make a wish!!', Rose says.

*I wish that I can always have this people with in my life with me*

And I blow the candles. Everyone cheers in the room.

"Here you go sweetheart. This is from both your dad and me!", my mom says and hands me a box.

I open it up slowly taking my time so I don't rip the paper.

"See this is the problem with her. She takes too much time unwrapping a freaking present!!", Rose says and we all laugh.

"Its my birthday let me do it my way!", I say.

"Fine! Just hurry up already I wanna know what you got!", Rose says.

I finally finished unwrapping it. I then see the label on it and it reads Iphone 5s.

"Hey! A new phone! Thank you mom and dad!!", I say as I get up and hug them each.

"This is mine! I hope you like it!",Granny Ali says.

She hands me a birthday bag with "Happy Birthday" on it and I take it. I open it up and grab what it wrap with paper. I take the paper and see its a knit sweater. Granny Ali knows how to do crochet so she did it herself.

"Ohh omg thank you Granny Ali! You owned me one from last year", I say as I hug her and laugh,

"This is ours", Erica and Eric say holding a box.

I take it and open it. I find the most beautiful high heels ever. They are black with sequins on it and they are so cute.

"This high heels are going to be my most favorite shoes ever!!", I say as I hug them tight.

"And this one is mine!", Rose says smiling mischeviously.

*Oh Rose what did you get me?!*

I take the bag and shake it a little. It sounds like some boxes in there. I eye Rose carefully and she keeps smiling. I shake my head.

I open it up and find three medium boxes inside I move it a little. I gasp at the word on it.


I look at Rose to see her smiling. I can tell she's about to burst out laughing.

"What is it honey?", my mom asks.

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