Chapter 1

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This story is copyrighted. Plagiarism is punishable by law. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading.

Copyright © 2014 Alondra R

WARNING: The story has hundreds of errors. I know that. I wrote most of this on my phone when I was in my early teenage years and edited very little, soooo a lot of the errors are due to that. It has been over six or seven years since I wrote this and I still haven't fixed it. I'm probably never going to, to be honest because this story embarrasses me now lol. I'm more than happy to receive constructive criticism, so feel free to comment that there's a grammar error. Maybe (?) I'll edit one day and your comments will make it easier to identify errors. Idk. However, I know some people can't stand reading works with too many grammar mistakes, so if you're one of those type of people (I am one, and there's no shame), read at your own sanity. Please don't leave rude comments about it though. There's a difference between leaving constructive criticism and rude remarks.

Also, to anyone reading this, leave on the comment section where are you from. It would be nice knowing where all has this story traveled to. I'm from Alabama in the U. S. :)

Lexie's POV

I sit on the back deck of my house right next to the pool with my best friend, Rose. We drink our lemonade and it tastes amazing, especially when it's over 80 degrees outside.

"So have you heard about the new hot teacher?", Rose asks me out of nowhere.

"New hot teacher?", I ask wondering how she knows this.

"Yeah!!", Rose says.

"No", I answer quietly.

"OK... You are the daughter of the principal, your mother is the president of the Parents Banquet, your uncle is the vice principal, your cousin is the gym teacher and your family pretty much owns the school and you are telling me that you don't know about the new teacher that is arriving?!!!", Rose says in a desperate tone.

I laugh. "You know I don't like to get in stuff that has to do with the school. It just wouldn't be fair for the other students", I say for the hundredth time.

"Yeah, yeah. I already heard that before but still, if I was in your position, I would check stuff. See how the school works. Besides, you already decided you want to become a teacher. You might as well become a teacher and be the principal as well. I mean you are an only child, if your parents leave all of this for you, which I don't doubt, you will be the one in charge of everything", Rose says telling me something I have heard many times before.

Yes, that's all true but I don't think that would be fair for everyone else. For me to know before everyone else just because my dad is the principal. But Rose never really understands. I turned to look at her but she's already fallen asleep. I relax back in my chair and wonder about the new teacher Rose says is hot. Rose tends to exaggerate sometimes.

Skylar's POV

I finished with the construction men working in my house. It is a lot of work. Right now I am living in a hotel. I have decided to move here and stay here for as long as I can, possibly till I died.

I walk to the hotel since it isn't far from where my house is being built. I arrive to my suite, or home for now, and lay in my bed. Two more days before school starts. I am starting to teach math.

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