Chapter 26

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Lexie's POV

We had a great New Years Eve with all the family coming over. And the kiss Skylar and I share was..... I don't even know how to describe it.

It still worries me thought the thing with Penny. I ask my mom what was it that Penny was studying for and say it was for lawyer.

Guess that's where she got the whole "That's against the law" thing.

I know it is. Our relationship is against the law. We are not suppose to be together in any kind of way except for a professional one.

There are times when I wonder what will happen if anyone discovers about relationship and tells the police.

Even the thought of it makes me scare. Not for me but for Skylar. He would go to jail and lose his job.

I push those thoughts away and concentrate on the piece of paper in front of me. I am currently working on a reasearch paper for history.

I think I have around an hour sitting here and I only have two pages because I been thinking.

I start typing on the keyboard and get back on track. I have a paragraph done when a soft knock on my door interrupts the silence.

"Come in", I say and continue to type.

I hear the door open and then steps.

"Hey, what are you working on?", Skylar asks.

"Hey, am working on a history research paper", I answer turning around my chair to face him.

He's sitting on one of the chairs in my room. He looks worried and exhausted.

"What's wrong? You look worried", I ask him getting myself worried.

"Its nothing", he answers running a hand through his hair.

I turn around and save my document and turn around again.

"You are lying. What's bothering you? Tell me", I say.

He shakes his head slowly and sighs.

"I don't want to worried you", he says.

"Skylar, it worries me more with you not telling me", I say honestly.

"Its.... Jane has been calling all morning and for the past days. And I am getting tire of her calls", he says.

Now am the one who sighs. Am tire myself of the calls.

"Why don't you change your phone number?", I suggest.

"I would have to give it to my parents. And my mother will give it to Jane again. And it will start all over again", he says and destroys the only idea I had.

We stay in silence for a few minutes, just sitting there thinking.

"The only solution I can think of is talking to my mother and Jane. Make it more clearly that I don't want anything to do with Jane", Skylar says breaking the silence.

I nod.

"When?", I ask him.

"The sooner the better. In fact, I call right now", he says and pulls his phone out.

I watch as he dials on his phone and then puts it over his left ear.

"Yes? Who's this?", he asks in confusion.

"Aunt Tessa? Its nice to hear from you. Would you get my mother please?", he asks.

Aunt Tessa? I'm going to need Skylar to tell me about his family later.

"What do you mean she's not in town?..... She's out of the state?.... Wait what?!", Skylar says.

"No, that can't be true. When did they took the flight?..... Thirty minutes ago? God this isn't good", Skylar says to Aunt Tessa.

He sighs deeply.

"She's coming too?!", Skylar says.

"Okay thank you Aunt Tessa. Yes, I call you soon. Tell my Uncle Jack hi from me. Yes, bye. Bye", Skylar says and ends the call.

"What did your aunt say?", I ask him.

"My parents are coming to Forks", Skylar says.

"Oh okay", I say a little nervous.

"And Jane is coming with them", Skylar adds.

Can this get any worse? Yes, yes it can.


Oh God! Things are getting hard for the couple!

I just wanted to tell you guys that am thinking of doing double updates every week starting next week. Updates will be on Friday as always.

When am doing double update I probably upload one in the morning and the other one in the afternoon on Friday. So yeah hope you guys enjoy the double updates! :)

Also hope you had a great year starting and the rest of year as well. If you have any resolutions, don't give up on them. Keep the work and you will make it!

As always, don't forget to:




Get ready for the double updates!!


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