Chapter 20

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Skylar´s POV

I had the best time of my life with Lexie at the Halloween party. She looked so beautiful in that royal blue dress. From all the girls in the party she was the most elegant yet beautiful. I could see the jealously in some of the girls eyes.

My favorite part of the night was when we dance our song. She looked so happy. And now she is my girlfriend. I smile at the memory. I was crying and thanking her because she brings happiness to me. The way she look at me made me feel like I was someone important. 

But that has been almost a month ago. Right now the house is a chaos. Its Thanksgiving today and Julie, Granny Ali, and Lexie are in the kitchen starting to cook things while Zach and I are setting some chairs and a few tables. The whole Robinson family is attending and we will have a banquet.

For a couple days now, Lexie and I have noticed that Julie and Zach have been staring at us in a wierd way. Almost as if they know our secret but they haven´t say anything. I really want to tell them though. I want to tell them that I love their daughter and I will do anything that I have to do to protect her, even give my life. Anything.

"Hey Skylar?", Zach says out of nowhere.

I turn to look at him. He´s looking at me with a expression that tells me he doesn´t know how to explain what he´s trying to say.

"Yes Zach?", I answer him.

"Look. This is hard for me to say because you are like the son I will never have. You have become part of this family and we all have come to love you. And I know you are have as well with this family. But Lexie is also my daughter and I don´t want anyone to hurt in any way. A parent will always do whatever they can to protect their children no matter how old they are. And I don´t know if there is something going on between Lex and you. If their is, you know exactly well the consequences. As a teacher that you are, you are not allowed to have any sort of relationship with a student but a proffesional one. Now-", he says but I interrupt him.

"Excuse me Zach let me say this before you carry on. I would never hurt Lexie. Never. True I have come to respect and love this family since the moment I got here. You guys have been with me. You have given a place to live while my house is being built. I love Granny Ali, Julie, you, Lexie. You are the family I don´t have here with me. You are supporting me and you don´t know how much that means to me. I am thankful for that. You are like the father that right now is another state. Julie like the mother I need. Granny Ali like a grandmother. And Lexie....", has become the most important person in my life since the moment I saw her, The love of my life. The person that has brought me nothing but happiness in this world. The girl that has heal with her love and innocence my shattered heart, I finish in my head.

"And Lexie what?", he asks me.

"And Lexie...", I start again.

"Tell me the truth son", he says.

"Lexia has become...", I start again for like the million time.

He raises a eyebrow.

"Tell me the now. I won´t get upset", Zach says.

"I don´t know your reaction to this but.. Lexie!!!", I call.

Lexie appears then in a apron. She looks confuse but realizes the tension in the room.

"Can you please tell Julie and Granny Ali to come with us?", I ask her and she nods before disappearing into the kitchen again.

A few seconds later, Julie and Granny Ali come out with Lexie behind.

"Julie and Granny Ali please take a seat", I say.

I look at Lexie, her eyes meeting mine. And I know exactly what she's thinking, what the heck am I going to do.

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