Chapter 31

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So I decided to update earlier because I didn't have school today. Actually I didn't have school except for Monday because of snow. So yeah. Hope you like it.


Lexie's POV

I am standing in the living room with a blindfold in my eyes. Its Valentine's day and Skylar plan something for today. He was all happy in the morning before school and kept on telling me to wait till school ended since its a Friday.

"Are you ready my lady?", Skylar says trying to talk in a British accent.

I can't help but laugh at how his voice sounded.

"Hey I don't think my accent is that bad!", he defends.

I continue to laugh harder.

"Sorry, yes am ready. Can we go now?", I ask him excited.

"Yes we may leave now. Hold my hand", he instructs.

"Like I wasn't thinking of holding it", I answer teasing.

"Done Miss Sarcastic?", he asks teasing too.

"Yes Mr.Fail-to-Speak-British", I joke.

I hear his laugh beside me and I laugh too."There won't be no surprise if you don't stop breaking my heart", Skylar whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"I always love how I make you get goosebumps. It turns me-". he whispers and then stops.

Is he going to say I turn him on?

"On",he whispers more slowly and closer to my ear.

I shiver again and feel butterflies erupt not just in my stomach but everyway when his mouth pulls my ear in between his teeth softly.

"Skylarr, that's not a good idea", I whisper my voice sounding excited.

"And why not Miss Sarcastic? Does it turn you on?", he asks in a very seducing voice.

"Are you seducing me Coach McKay?", I ask him looking for his face.

When I finally find his lips I cup his face and pull him close. I feel his lips then, and kiss him softly. I feel his lips moving along with mine. His hands rest protectively in my waist, not letting me go.

We pull away softly, trying to catch our breaths.

"You always surprise me", he whispers.

"Well,.... Is that a good thing or a bad thing?", I ask him.

"That's good and bad. Good because I know you love me, but bad because you always make me want more. Let's get going lady. We don't wanna be late!", he says pulling me closer to him.

We start walking to somewhere and I feel a little lost for a while. I feel scare I will trip but I trust Skylar.

"Hold on, don't move okay", he says and lets go of my waist.

I hear a door open and then Skylar's hands again in my waist.

"Okay watch your step here", he says.

We are outside now since I hear a few crickets sing around us. I hear the door close again.

"Let's go love", Skylar says guiding me again.

We start walking slowly again.

"Are you excited?", Skylar asks me.

"Of course I am! Can't wait to see what my sweet men did for me", I answer.

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