Chapter 19

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Skylar's POV

"I love you with all my heart", I whisper in her ear.

"I love you too", Lexie says before falling asleep in my arms.

I been wishing for this moment. For me to be able to hold her in my arms.

But something tells me we won't last long like this. She will probably wake up saying that what happened was not right and we should forget what happen.

I know its selfish of me to love her because she can't be mine. She is a impossible love. But I won't give up. I will wait as long as I have to wait for her to be mine.

The call from Jane made me angry. Just thinking about makes me want to break every single thing in this room. If Lexie haven' t been here I probably would had gone mad.

Mad because Jane call. The person I hate with every cell of my body. And mad because my mom gave her the number. My own mother making me in pain.

And even more mad the way Jane acted. I roll my eyes remembering her calm voice as if we never broke up.


"Hello?", I say.

"Skylar? Hey ts me Jane. Its so nice to hear from you again. I call to know how have you been doing",she say so calm.

Anger going through my veins now.

"How did you get my phone number? What do you want?", I say in a cold voice not even I recognize.

"Skylar listen please forgive me. What you saw was not going on. We need to talk please-", I cut her off.

"I won't talk to you. And don't try to call me again", I say and ended the call.


How could she say that what I saw was not happening?! How?!

Realizing my anger again I notice my hands are fists. No Lexie has nothing to do with this. I take a deep breath and let it go.

If my mom told her my phone number she might as well gave her the address and any other information about where I am staying at.

Later today I will call her and tell her to stop telling Jane things about me.

I look at Lexie. She is peacefully asleep. I smooth her hair and caress her cheek. Tonight I won't sleep. I will look at Lexie and enjoy as much as I can in my arms.

I smile. The way we sang the song and then the kiss we share. I had never felt anything like that before. My heart was literally about to explote.

I love her with every cell of my body. I chuckle lightly so I won't wake Lexie up.

Funny thing though I hate Jane with all my cells in my body while I love Lexie with all of them aswell.

But my love for Lexie is bigger than anything.

I lean down and kiss her cheek softly. She sighs in her sleep and I smile.

Am in love for the first and last time. First because it is the first time. I never felt anything for Jane. And last time because I know that I will never love anyone as much as I love Lexie. Never.

A few hours later its 7 in the morning, Saturday. Lexie is still in my arms and am enjoying the moment.

Am gonna make breakfast for her before she wakes up. I let go of Lexie slowly feeling cold suddenly without her in my arms. I slip quietly out of the room and walk to our kitchen.

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