Chapter 24

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Skylar's POV

Telling Lexie the story was like being freed. No one knows about it except for my grandma and now Lexie. I appreaciate that she didn't ask any further questions.

I love her. And with her understanding my past without caring about my decisions is really something that I appreaciate even more.

Christmas is just around the corner. And right now the school is a chaos. Everyone is crazy about almost being out for Christmas break.

All of the teachers including myself are prepairing the tests for finals while students are working and studying for finals.

Its the last week of the first semester and I am ready just like the students are.

Right now its seventh period which means I have Lexie right now. Earlier I gave them their study guides for them to work on and the bell is just about to ring any second.

Just on cue the bell rangs and my students quickly pack everything up.

"Don't forget to finish your study guides. Your test in here will be on Friday. See you guys tomorrow!!", I call to everyone.

I receive a few "yes sir"'s and "Bye!".

Lexie, Rose, Erica and Eric are the last ones and I rise to meet them.

"Do you need any help with the study guides guys?", I ask them.

They shake their heads no.

"Nope! Lexie here helped us when we needed help. She's like our second teacher", Rose says.

Erica and Eric nodded in agreement.

"So you are replacing me Lexie?", I tease.

She laughs and shakes her head.

"No one can replace you Coach McKay", she says.

She looks around the room and then the door.

She quickly hugs me and kisses me. I kiss and hug her back.

"That's good to know!", I say.

"Well are you ready to go?", Lexie asks me.

I look around my room.

"Yes let me just get my jacket and backpack", I say.

She nods and the rest of the group walk to the door.

"Well we see you guys tomorrow!", the group says.

"Okay bye guys!!", Lexie calls.

"Bye guys!!", I say.

"Bye!", they say once more.

I grab my backpack and walk to Lexie.

"Ready?", I ask her.

"Ready", she says.

And we both leave the school.

Lexie's POV

Am serious I hate finals. Am literally going crazy. I think I should take a break. I look around at the papers surrounding me in the floor. Books are all over the floor with notes sticking out of them. Soft music playing from my phone to relax me a bit with so much work.The good thing is that Skylex is not ripping any of my notes or doing a mess. He is such a cute dog. I always wanted a dog like this.

I have math, history, literature and on and on except for physical education. This week has been crazy. Tomorrow I have this tests. Am not nervous because I been studying for three days now but what gets me is that I have so much stuff to do. Christmas is in four days and I still haven't done my shopping for gifts yet.

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