Chapter 25

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Skylar's POV

This Christmas has been one of my most favorite. I spend it with Zach, Julie, Granny Ali, Rose, Erica, Eric, Skylex (and yeah Skylex counts as part of the family), and my Lexie.

But I enjoy most being with her. I was so nervous as to whether Lexie like the bracelet or not I was even thinking of getting something else.

But I know how much she enjoys reading and I just couldn't resist putting a quote in a bracelet from a book.

I absolutely love the pendant she gave me.

Right now, we are all sitting on the table. Its New Years Eve and the whole family came again.

The women of the house were all morning cooking while Zach and me were setting up the extra chairs and tables.

Now all the Robinson family is here celebrating New Years Eve. There's only around 30 minutes left till 12 and everyone is just talking.

All the adults are talking to other relatives they haven't seen because they live out of the state or town.

The kids are playing around and eating desert. Am sitting with Lexie on the stairs. There's a couple of Lexie's cousins on the stairs too.

"Hey Lexie!!", a girl I don't know says.

"Hey Penny!! I haven't seen you in a while. What have you been up to?", Lexie says excited.

"Well am ready to start my second semester of college. Its been a little tiring but I have made it. What about you?", she says.

"Well first am so rude. Penny this is my boyfriend, Skylar. Skylar this is Penny. She lives in Montana", Lexie says to me.

"Its nice to meet you Penny", I say extending my hand.

She stares at me cautiosly and smiles a little but with concern in her eyes.

I can tell what she's probably thinking. That am probably too old for Lexie.

"Its nice to meet you too Skylar", she says.

We stay silent for a few moments.

"I don't want to be like getting into your lives but how old are you Skylar?", Penny says.

I turn to look at Lexie. She looks back at me and then turns to look at Penny.

"Am 20", I amswer her.

"What do you work on?", she says.

"Penny", Lexie says with a warning voice.

"Am a teacher in Jackson High School", I answer her.

Penny's eyes flicker to Lexie.

"Lexie... He is your teacher... This is against the law", she says.

"I know that perfectly well Penny but just so you know am 18 now. My parents allow it and I don't care what you think", Lexie says.

"Its not right!", Penny says.

"When you love, you love. It was nice seeing you again Penny. And if you dare do something against us, I promise you, you are going to wish you haven't. Happy New Years Eve!", Lexie says standing up with my hand on hers.

We walk down the stairs and run into Melanie.

She smiles at us first. Behind her stands a guy around my age.

"Hey! Happy New Years Eve! ", she says.

"Happy New Years Eve!!", Lexie and I say to them.

"Lexie if Penny went to tell you something about under age with Coach McKay, just ignore her. She did the same to me a while ago. My sister is being a bitch today", Melanie says.

I can't help but laugh.

"Thank you Melanie! Happy New Years Eve!!", Lexie says.

"Everyone its just one minute till the new year!!!", someone says.

"Let's do countdown!!", someone else says.











"HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE!!!!", we all cheer and yell.

Someone throws confetti and I quickly grab Lexie.

I pull her into a hug and kiss her.

"Happy New Year baby!", I say to her between our kiss.


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Hope you guys had a great year and that you have a even better one!!!

Love all of you!! You have made my year by reading my story thank you!!!


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