Chapter 45

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I drive fast through the road as many thoughts flow in my mind. I am going to see Lexie at last. My thoughts stop when lights blind my eyes, then the honk of a car fills my ears. A crash fills the air as metal seems to crash with metal.

I feel my head hit something as the car feels like its turning and turning again and again until it finally stops.

When it stops, everything stops. Including my vision and hearing. I feel like everything leaves my body. Sadly I feel like this is the end.

"Lexie", I whisper.

Then blackness welcomes me.

JK!! Fool you all!!

Songs for This Chapter:

All I Ever Need - Austin Mahone

You & I - One Direction

Lexie's POV

I wake up to birds chirping outside the window. It seems like its helping the mood for today.

Today, after been delay for almost two months because of the fire and new construction of the gym, it's my cousin Adam's wedding with Katie.

I didn't know until last night.

And so it happens that I am waking up at 6 in the morning. I really don't have to to anything since I am pregnant.

Mom doesn't want me doing much which drives me insane because come on, I won't die just for helping her water the plants.

But apparently to her, I could. So back to waking up, I get up from bed and put on some jeans, a sweatshirt, some vans and a beanie since it looks chilly outside.

I brush my hair before putting the beanie on and then grab my things which consist of my car keys, wallet and phone and then exit the room.

I walk down the hallway and down the stairs into the kitchen. It still looks dark outside when I take a glance outside through a window.

I walked inside the kitchen where I find Granny Ali already starting breakfast.

"Good morning, Granny Ali!", I say and walk to her to give her a hug.

"Good morning sweetie!", she answers as she turns away from the stove to return my hug.

"Look, I made you some hot chocolate because you can't drink coffee", she says handing me a thermos.

I take it from her and grab a pack of cookies from the counter.

"I be back soon!", I call to her and leave the kitchen before she asks me questions.

I walk out of the house and into the garage then reach the jeep. I get in and start it, feeling cold around me. I drive slowly out of the driveway and simply drive to downtown.

Behind one of the stores is a small lake that is open to the public and that's where I am going. In around ten minutes, I reach downtown and park on the side of the sidewalk and get out.

Its all vacant, not a soul around except for me this early. I start my walk towards the lake with my things and staring at the setting around me.

I finally made it to the lake and I stare around. A bench sits alone close to the edge of the small lake.

I walk to it and take a sit. Really enjoying the peaceness and quiet right now. Except for the cold.

I open the thermos up and take a drink, the hot chocolate going down my throat feeling great. I open the pack of cookies and start eating one of them.

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