Chapter 14

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Lexie's POV

*I can't feel this! Its wrong of me!*

I look at Skylar. He seems to be in deep thought. His eyes meet mine.

"Never? Like never ever being kiss before?", he asks me.

He doesn't believe me.

"Never", I say.

And I see his eyes softened.

"But.. How? You...You are a young beautiful girl and.... How is it possible that you never been kiss before?", Skylar asks with confusion.

I walk towards my window and look out at the town.

"Well... I guess I never really thought of it. I just never felt anything for anyone so...yeah", I say a little embarrassed.

"Its nothing to be ashamed of. And please forgive me for doing that. I seriously don't know what happened to me", he explains.

"Its...fine. I guess....", I say ackwardly.

"I...I should probably go", Skylar says probably feeling ackward too.

I nod still looking out the window.

"Okay then..If you need something...umm you can..just give me a shout", he says.

I hear his soft footsteps and the door closing after him. The room suddenly feeling empty and...cold.

*I seriously need to get a grip of myself!!*

I cross my arms and continued looking out the window. Thinking that things will go okay. If only I knew how things would go....

*Two weeks later*

Since the kiss with Skylar, things have been ackward between us. Just like I say, I didn't tell my parents about it. They seem to notice though the ackwardness between Skylar and me.

And multiple times I found my parents giving Skylar and me wierd stares. As if trying to find out what was going on.

At home we never talk anymore except when we HAD to. Those times are usually during supper and dinner. When we pretend like nothing is going on.

At school we never talk at all. I spent his class by doing my work and talking to Rose, Erica and Eric. And there are times when Skylar is teaching that our eyes meet.

When that happens I quickly look away and look around to see whether anyone notices. And thank God no one has so far.

Skylar seems to feel the same way because just like I try to keep my distance from him so does he from me.

I haven't told Rose what happened because I feel...guilty. And I am starting to feel like she is starting to be suspicious.

Now sitting in Reading class I look at the board as Miss Steele writes something in the board. Its second period and am tire.

I haven't sleep much for the last two weeks. I guess its the guiltiness that doesn't leave me.

"Okay class. As you may remember, last year we talk about how we would be reading "Romeo and Juliet" and other books this year. So we will start this week with "To Kill A Mockingbird" , and next semester with "Romeo and Juliet" . I will let you work together im groups but I will let you choose your groups. While you get with your groups I be passing out books", Miss Steele says with a smile.

Miss Steele a 22-year old teacher is one of my favorites. She has been working here since last year and she is amazing. She is married to this young men name Louis Tomlinson who is a famous singer in a band.

We all ask her why she works if her husband is rich and her answer is that she loves teaching. I once met Louis and I even got his autograph along with the other band members. It was an amazing time.

I stay in my place since Rose is beside me and we are always together. Walter and his two best friends Tristan and Cole walk to us and sit with us.

Walter, Tristan and Cole are some of the "Hottest" of the class. Everyone loves them. They are funny and friendly. And they always volunteer to help in anything they can.

"Hey is it okay if we sit with you and be in your group?", Walter asks me giving me a shy smile.

One of the things I like about him is that even though he is one of the cutest guys in school, he still blushes when he talks to a girl.

I smile back at him and look at Rose if she is okay with it. She gives me a smile and returns to talk to Tristan.

Tristan Washington seems to give the impression of a bad guy. His hands are full of tattoes but once you get to know him, he is one of the sweetest guys.

I remember the first time I saw him. He gave me the chills everytime I saw him. But that changed one day when I almost trip and he caught me.

He helped me getting my books off the floor and ask me if I was okay. If I had hurt myself somewhere.

We ended up talking about his favorite books and I discover that he was a softie. He loved reading and poetry. And we share some likes for some books like "Wuthering Heights" and "Romeo and Juliet" and many others.

And I think he is going to enjoy this as much as I am.

"Yes its fine Walter", I say.

"I don't like reading that much but I heard the books we be reading this year are good books", Walter says to me and Cole.

"Yeah I heard that too!", Cole says.

Cole Jefferson acts like a tough guy but its also a sweet guy. He is in a relatioship with a junior name Krysten and they make the most cutest couple. They been dating since she was in eight grade and they seem to break anything in their way that tries to separate them.

Melanie last year tried to get all over Cole but Krysten being Krysten didn't stay arms cross. She fought for her man till Melanie got the point.

Which she understood till Kryten pull her hair and face her. It was quite a show.

To me Krysten and Cole are perfect for each other. They seem to be making plans of moving together whenever Cole leaves for college and I am happy for them.

For them and their love. I wish I got a love like that. A love tha fought anything and anyone who tries getting in their way.

*We do! Skylar!! Duh!!!*

What the..?

I really need to stop with that...

Its not gonna take me anywhere good... And like the bad luck I have... It sure as crap wouldn't take me anywhere good... At least not at the beginning.


Boo!!!!! Happy Halloween yall!!! So update!!! I can't believe this story has around 800 reads!! Its incredible!! Thank you guys!!! I might update tomorrow again and if I can't I update Saturdag because I don't have anywhere to go to!!!!!! Woohoo!! No party this Saturday!!

That means I can stay in sweatpants and hoodie and messy bun!!!! *-* <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Don't forget to:




Thanks again!! Ilysm!!!!!!<3<3<3<3

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