Chapter 11

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Skylar's POV

"Who did it?", Lexie asks me.

Am surprise she asks me. I didn't thought she would ask.

She seems mad and regrets asking me.

"Never mind I shouldn't ask. I just wanted you to know you can count on us if you need anything. You are part of our family now,

we take care of our family. Good afternoon", Lexie say getting up and exiting the library.

I can tell she is mad. But why?

I get up quickly behind her.

"Wait!! Lexie!!! Hold on!!", I call to her.

She starts running. I run after her.

"Lexie!!", I call again getting closer to her.

She opens the door of her room and closes it behind her.

"Lexie! Are you okay? Please tell me!", I yell.

I don't hear any response.

"Lexie please open the door!!! If you don't open it or talk am gonna come in!!", I yell again. My heart is beating fast.

"Am fine! I just have a headache", I hear her beautiful voice behind the door.

"Are you sure? Do you need anything? You want some aspirin?", I ask her.

*Did I upset her?..*

*Probably with your stupid shock face...*

*Do you mind?*

"I already had some. I just need some rest", she say.

"Oh okay then.....ummm I leave you to rest. If you need anything, just call me am right beside you", I say.

"Thanks!!", she calls.

I stay there for maybe 10 seconds more and start walking back to my room.

I open then close the door again. I can't believe I just met her today and I already cause her trouble.

I sigh.

*If only she knows what trouble she's getting me into.*

I stare at my window. Wondering what will happen with what am feeling...

Lexie's POV

*One Week Later*

I wake up to the sound of birds singing. Its a beautiful way to wake up in a Saturday.

I look around me and listen for any noise. Nothing.

My stomach grumbles. I need food.

I climb out of bed.

*Breakfast!! I need breakfast!!"*

I remember mom and dad had to go to meet the architect again. Granny Ali is gone to get groceries.

I walk to my bathroom and brush my teeth. I also fix my hair. I walk out of the bathroom and out my room.

A beautiful delicious smell engulfs me.

I walk to my kitchen.

Coach McKay is in the stove cooking something.

A week has passed and the only time I speak to him are when I tell him hi or good afternoon. And those are the only times I talked to him.

Its been sort of ackward between us. We made a lot of eye contact.

I continue to look st him. He actually looks cute cooking.

He is wearing blue pajama pants and a white t-shirt. His hair is messy and I just want to pass my hand over it. It looks so soft.

He turns around with a plate. He notices me for the first time and it looks like he though he was alone.

He smiles at me and I return the smile back at him.

"Oh hey Lexie!! Good morning!! Would you like some breakfast?", he asks me as he shows me the plate: scramble eggs, bacon, toast.

My mouth waters at the sight.

"No no!! Go ahead and eat. I make something for myself", I say.

"I made for two. Meaning you and me", he says.

*You and me?"*

"You are not gonna leave me eating twice are you?", he say smiling at me and raising an eyebrow.

I blush.

"Okay", I say taking the other plate on the counter.


Am in a party right now!! Haha!! Can't wait for the night!!! ;D


I took a seat in front of him.

He pour juice in a glass and handed it to me. I took it, our hands touching. I felt a electric rush all over my body. I look at him. He looks at me.

*Did he felt that too?*

He clears his throat and turns away.

I look away too. I take a bite. It was like heaven.

"Mmm!! This is really good!!!", I say.

He chuckled.

"Thanks!!", he say.

I continue to eat. He smile at me.

"So what are your plans for the day?", Skylar asks me.

I finish what I was eating. "Well, I usually work on any homework that I might have but I don't have any. I also clean around..", I say.

"You don't go out shopping?", he asks me.

I shake my head.

"I don't like shopping. My feet start hurting!", I complain.

He laughs. He has such a cute laugh.

*Aghh everything about him is cute!! Everything!! Everything he does!*

I blush. Where is this men going to take me to?


I forgot to update last night. Am sorry!! :'( I fell asleep halfway there.

So what do you think of this chapter? I know its short but I try to update again either tonight or tomorrow. Depending... So yeah! Don't forget to:




PS: This chapter reminds me of the song "Everything about You" by One Direction.

Is everything about you, you. Everything that you do, do. From the way that we both touch and the way that you kiss on me!!

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