Chapter 16

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Lexie's POV

I walk to my English class alone since Rose is not in this class with me. She wasn't suppose to be in Reading with me either but she switch them since she decided to be a office aide.

My English teacher is Mrs. Stilinski. She is in her early 30's with a young little girl who is in second grade.

I walk in and take a sit in the middle. Erica walks in with Eric. They see me and they smile and walk my way. Each sitting in each side of me so am in the middle.

"What's wrong beautiful?", Eric asks me with a encouraging smile.

I smile. He always helps me when am in a bad mood.

"I don't know handsome", I answer him.

Erica to my right snorts. I give her a playful glare.

"No really what's wrong? You look worried or like I don't know you just don't look happy!", Eric says with a worried face.

"Am fine I am just starting to have a headache that's all", I say.

"Are you sure?", Erica asks me concern too.

"Yeah", I say with a smile.

*What's wrong with me? Am going on a date with Walter. I should be happy!!*

"Well, there is this thing", I say.

The twins look at me waiting.

"Walter, you know Walter Black, ask me on a date and I say yes", I say.

Erica squeals in delight. While Eric gives me a smile.

"What are you guys gonna do? Movies or picnic or tell me!!? What are you going to wear?"!!", Erica asks almost like hundred questions.

I laugh.

"We are going to the movies and then get dinner. That's all. Nothing is going to happen!!", I say noticing her mischivous smile.

"Hey I never say something is going to happen you did!", she fires back.

"But your evil smile says something else!!", Eric and I say at the same time.

We look at each other and start laughing. We laugh harder at the face Erica makes.

"Hey maybe you get your first kiss!", Erica half whispers half yells.

I feel my face turn red. I look away so neither of them notice how nervous I suddenly became.

From the corner of my eye I see Erica looking at me suspiciously.

"You are-", Erica starts but just then Mrs.Stilinski starts with the lesson.

I look at her and Erica is still looking at me. Only this time she looks confuse. I shrug.

The class took on forever but finally the bell rang. The day went by slowly from English to Science to Gym to Home Ec and now math.

My favorite class! Yippee!!! Note the sarcasm.

I walk in after a few other students and take a seat in the desk I always sit.

Rose, Erica and Eric walk in and take a seat around me.

Erica never ask me anything but I can see she is trying to figure out something by her face.

"Lexie I-", Erica starts again but Skylar interrupts her.

*Crap!! Did I just call him Skylar!!?*


*Shut up mind!!*

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