Chapter 1

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Beep! Beep! I squinted my eyes and found my alarm clock and pressed snooze. Even though I'm half asleep I'm still shaking today is my first day of school in a new town. Worse of all it's the middle of the school year. I would probably be as lost as a freshman on their first day of school. I was definitely not looking forward to today.

I slowly rolled out of bed landed on my knees and went to go eat breakfast. I see my grandma already dressed and made me some scrambled eggs and raisin bread toast. My favorite!

"Oh good you are up, just in time for breakfast'' I smiled "Thanks, grandma."

''Today is the day, your first day at South Beach High! I'm sure you will make a lot of friends"

I sighed ''Hopefully, thanks for everything you have done for me''.

''Oh honey you are so sweet I don't know what you are going through and how your feeling but I want you to know I'm always here for you.'' She gave me a caring look.

"Thanks, I know" I mumbled

"Now go get ready for school ! It starts in 30 minutes your going to be late on your first day".

I go to my room and try to pick an outfit out. I stare at my closet for a good 5 minutes thinking I should have already picked out an outfit like all the other girls usually do.

Still staring at my closet thinking of what to wear. I chose my maroon jean pants & white loose V-neck shirt to top it off with my white converse. So I squeezed into my pants and put on my shirt then look down at my phone to see its 7: 30.

"Fuck'' I whispered.

Then I went over to my mirror and put a little foundation and a decent amount of mascara on my long lashes. I hated when I saw girls have a cake full of makeup on, I always wondered what they would look like if they had none one. Would they even look the same I thought? Then I combed my long blonde hair, it had a natural curl to it and looked very beachy. Then I drew my attention to my poop brown ugly eyes, I hated them! I wished I had a cool eye color like green or blue, some people's eyes change color how great is that?

Then I remembered the names he called me, the bruises he made, the mental implants on my brain of horrible memories he made. I looked back in the mirror and pushed them away. " your fine he is not here " I say to myself.

I glance in the mirror at my long blonde hair and my pale skin that has a little sun. Then I glance towards my neck and see my scar and try to cover it up with a little foundation. Then I grab my keys to my car and leave for school.

'' Hi, I'm Faith Miller I'm new here can I have a schedule for my classes,'' I asked the lady at the front desk.

" Yes ma'am, you may here you go. Hope you like it here at South Beach High" I smiled and walked away.

I see the first period I have is English. I followed the map the front lady at given her to the English department. It took me a good 10 min to find it and when I looked at the clock I saw it was 8:00. Damn I was 30 minutes late, but then I thought what the hell it's your first day you can be late. Don't stress it.

I open the door to what I think is my class. The teacher comes up to me "Are you Faith Miller our new student?" I nodded.

'' Welcome to Senior English my name is Mr.Reed, I'll talk to you after class but right now have a seat next to Allison and Charlie other there."

I went to go sit next to them. '' Wow your hot! Where are you from honey?" Charlie rambled.

Then Allison quickly emerged " Oh stop it, Charlie! Give her some space it is her very first day of school... Oh and by the way my name is Allison but, everyone calls me Ally''.

" Okay, okay '' he sighed.

But, before I could get a word in she blurted out " So Faith Miller don't you think our teacher is smoking hot"

I look up at the teacher and my mouth drops I didn't realize he was that attractive. I was so nervous I didn't even get a good look at him. He had blondish brown hair, blue eyes, a nice tan radiant skin color, white sparkling teeth, his jaw line cut to perfection, and best of all had a body like heaven. He was goddess.

I looked at Ally and said " Uh yeah''. She smiled and Charlie rolled his eyes. Then Mr. Reed shot us look with his fierce blue eyes to stop talking.

But that didn't stop us, we all three just started talking and instantly we clicked. It was like the universe wanted us to meet.

"Well I have to say, I see a bright future ahead with us Faith" Ally said I smiled.

Then Charlie quickly butted in "Me too.''

We all laughed and just kept going with our interesting topic about ostriches.

I had no idea how we started up with that topic and I didn't care all I cared about at that moment was what color the ostrich's tongue is.

Finally, the bell rings and I stayed after class. I went up to Mr. Reed desk admiring his jawline. One of the students just left and it was just me and him in the room.

He looked up at me ''So how was your first class? I see that you made a couple of friends". I smiled

'' Great actually better than what I expected it to be''.

" Marvelous! Well, you are quite behind with the new section we just started, Maybe you could stay after school one day and I'll help you catch up."

I nodded "Sounds good does today work?''

"Today does work see you at 3 he winked'' I smiled and walked out.

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